Olivia narrowed her eyes, chuckling sarcastically, "No, it isn't a regular 9-5 job. I'm never off the clock as a journalist. So I'd wait for your boyfriend to show you around."

No one noticed Frank telling them he was stepping out to take a call. By this time, the tension was thick enough to suffocate everyone in the room. Spencer took a long sip of his wine.

"We have all the time in the world anyway. I've been looking into some of the schools here in Baltimore. There is a need for teachers, so after I graduate you may be seeing a little more of me," Cheyenne smiled with a wink.

"Wait, what," Spencer exclaimed, almost choking on his food. "You never told me that."

"Same way you never told me Liv was a cheerleader for the Ravens," she shrugged.

"You know what... I think we're going to head out," Olivia pushed her chair away from the table and stood to her feet. "Thanks for dinner."

"No, you should finish your food, Liv," Spencer interjected. "We haven't even had dessert."

Frank walked back in from outside, "Someone say dessert?"

"No, let her go," Cheyenne stood, holding her spot at the end of the table. "It was nice seeing you again, Olivia. Maybe we can do this another time."

"This is my house. You don't get to tell people to leave," Spencer snapped, not intending for the words to come out as harshly as they did. Cheyenne's face fell, embarrassment making her cheeks turn red.

"No, it's fine. I have to get up early anyway and I'm sure Frank has work in the morning," Olivia answered, needing to leave before she said things she couldn't take back.

Frank nodded towards their hosts. He wasn't even sure what had happened while he was outside, "Hope to see you two again soon. Enjoy your time in Baltimore, Cheyenne."

The wounded woman sat in her chair with her arms crossed, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room, "Sure," she muttered.

When the door clicked, signaling that they were alone again, Spencer decided to get to the bottom of Cheyenne's attitude, "What the hell was that, Chey?"

"Hmm, maybe I should be asking you what's going on between you and Olivia? Do you think I'm stupid," she yelled.

"First of all, lower your voice. We can talk like adults without you yelling," he replied.

Cheyenne slammed her hands against the table, "We obviously can't talk like adults with you hiding information from me, constantly giving me this cold demeanor when I talk about our future. Sitting here keke'ing with a woman who is clearly not like a sister to you. So you tell me...what's going on? Funny how you didn't even mention she lived right next door to you until you had her pick me up from the airport. You two playing friendly fucking neighbors?"

"Unbelievable," Spencer scoffed. "I barely see Olivia, okay? We don't even talk that much after she moved here. So no, I'm not fucking her if that's what you're asking me. I've been clear for awhile now about me and you. We've talked about this, Chey and you agreed that we needed a break. And maybe we shouldn't have been so friendly after that because the line is blurry. That's my bad and I'm sorry. I thought I was being mature by trying to remain friends while we figured things out."

"Are you wanting to stay friends because you have feelings for Olivia? Is that what's really going on," she questioned, this time her voice back to its regular, soft tone. "I refuse to play second to another woman, Spencer. I'm better than that."

"When we decided to take a break, that had nothing to do with her," he sighed.

"But is that what's stopping you from being with me now," Cheyenne asked, now standing directly in front of him.

Spencer tapped his fingers against the dining room table, before taking a deep breath.

Frank didn't even ask Olivia what had happened while he was outside on his call. He only offered a kiss on the cheek before he hurried out of her apartment for the night.

What a night. That was honestly how she should have expected the night to go when she agreed to have dinner with Spencer and Cheyenne. The history with Spencer was too complicated and unresolved to not rear its ugly head eventually. No matter how much they tried to push it down. After tonight, Olivia planned to keep her distance though. They both needed to move on with their lives. Peacefully.

Cheyenne had gotten under her skin and the need to burn off frustration kept Olivia up that night. She decided to hit the apartment's gym to work off the steam. As she stepped out into the hall, she caught the backs of Cheyenne and Spencer walking towards the elevators. Spencer was carrying her bags and Cheyenne walked ahead of him, pushing the down button with her elbow. Just as they were about to walk onto the elevator, Cheyenne caught a glimpse of Olivia watching. Instead of the glare she held earlier that night, she smiled softly and waved her hand.

Getting some flashbacks next chapter.

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