chapter | one

46 3 2

Mike | IRL Character | Mikey000097653

The plane had set on the island. Mike and [NAME] looked around the deserted island before three raccoons exited the plane. The largest and tallest one smiled at both [NAME] and Mike before setting off towards the middle of the island, where the plaza is. 

Two animals, one a bear and the other a frog, also exited the plane after the raccoons. The bear smiled at [NAME] and ignored Mike. Of course, [NAME] didn't notice Mike's glare towards the bear. The frog with blue eyeshadow and a purple skin tone smiled at both the boys. Her red eyed pupils dilated at [NAME] and a blush formed on her cheeks.

Mike rolled his eyes at both the new animals before getting distracted by one of the smaller raccoons making an announcement, "We're here! Would you please join us for a small orientation session in the nearby plaza?" his voice was high pitched and it annoyed Mike, he was definitely going to be gone soon.

The real reason Mike wanted to start a new life on the island was to get away from being handed in to the police. He had recently killed someone for hurting his brother, [NAME]. [NAME] was never to know about the things Mike had done, so Mike sent them both to a deserted island, where nothing could bother them.

[NAME] walked up to the bear wearing a t-shirt underneath a blue and yellow striped jumper. "Hi! I'm [NAME]!" [NAME] greeted the bear. "Hi, grooof. My name's Teddy, but we better get to that orientation, grooof." Teddy spoke back in his deep voice. [NAME] smiled and set off to follow the twin raccoons.

[NAME] shortly arrived in the plaza with Mike trailing behind him and taking in the view. Everyone stood in a line behind Tom and the twins. "Is Teddy here?" Timmy asked, Teddy put his hand up and Tommy started asking if everyone else is there. Everyone was present so Tom started the announcement.

Tom had spoke a lot before [NAME] actually started listening instead of staring into space. "Id like each of you to choose a spot of your own. It's the first step to putting down some real roots!" Tom's voice went straight through [NAME]'s head and he was confused on what to do. Though, Mike held his hand and pulled him towards one of the twins and got handed two tents.

"We'll put our tents here, okay hun?" Mike had dragged [NAME] towards the beach, where they were going to place their tents. [NAME] was forced to talk to the other villagers and help them place their tents while Mike did all the work. He always made [NAME] relax so he wouldn't get tired or hurt himself.

Once [NAME] arrived back at the beach with both Teddy and Diva's tent, Mike was done setting theirs up. Two large yellow tents were placed next to each other and Mike didn't even break a sweat. 

"Wow! That was fast Mike! I got Teddy's and Diva's tent like you asked, here you go." [NAME] handed Mike the tents and Mike quickly set them up on the other side of the beach. Mike had made sure to put them further away from them both for their privacy.

By the time Mike was finished setting up everyone's tent, the sun was beginning to set and Tom had requested all the villagers back in the plaza once again. Tom had spoke about having a island welcoming party. He had requested everyone except [NAME] and him to clean up around the plaza.

"Meanwhile [NAME] and I will work on gathering firewood and perhaps a little snack!" Tom said. [NAME]'s eyes widened before walking up to Tom once everyone else started their work. "Would you be a doll and gather a couple wood? I will asses the growing fruit-like peaches in the trees!" [NAME] nodded his head quickly, exited to be chose for something instead of his brother.

"I'll go with him." Mike said firmly, knocking [NAME] out of his trance of excitement. "Awh! Mike I can do it on my own." [NAME] retaliated, wanting to do at least one thing by himself. "No, you can't. I'll get the wood, you get the peaches." Mike replied. "But Tom said they might not be peaches!"

Mike didn't answer [NAME] and tugged on his hand instead, successfully bringing [NAME] to gather the party ingredients. [NAME] pouted but gathered at least six peaches by shaking the trees. With Mike watching him of course.

Once [NAME] and Mike finished their peach smoothie that Tom, Timmy and Tommy made, Mike pulled [NAME] towards his tent and pushed him gently inside. Mike had already placed down his camping cot and the others inside. 

"I know I was hard on you today, hun," Mike spoke, referring to allowing [NAME] to pick the peaches, a simple task though Mike thought different for [NAME], "Just go to sleep, I'll be here until you do." Mike said.

[NAME] simply nodded, forgiving Mike in his head and getting changed into his PJ's and slowly crawled into his cot, where Mike placed a blanket over him and turned off the small lamp. 

"Goodnight, hun."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2022 ⏰

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