dwelling on the past.

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attempting to be consistent with writing and give you guys continuous updates

not everyday of course, cause who the hell has time for that? certainly not me what so ever , at all. no way. mmm

but please enjoy ! and seriously don't be a quiet reader we dislike those type of readers, leave comments and be optimistic

but please enjoy ! and seriously don't be a quiet reader we dislike those type of readers, leave comments and be optimistic

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It's time for me to walk into this building and muster up a smile and a greeting, saying 'hi' or 'good afternoon'.

I need to express gratitude to my caseworker for doing their job and finding me a place to live, even if it's just a house and not a home.

The truth is, I want to run away and hide because the weight of my emotions feels overwhelming. But I can't escape my reality because I have nowhere else to go and no one to turn to.

I spent my teenage years caring for my mom instead of building friendships and a support system. I switched to online school when I realized she could overdose at any moment, leaving me to face the world alone. It's a harsh reality, but I have to confront it head-on now.

Just because my mom wasn't a good mother figure doesn't mean I didn't need her. I'm still grappling with that loss and the difficulties of my past.

I keep telling myself 'I can do this' and reminding myself that I'm strong and capable. It's a constant battle to overcome the feelings of uncertainty and self-doubt that creep in when I feel like I don't have a place in this life.

But I know I do - I just need to find my footing. I'm determined to survive and thrive, even without my mom's support. It's tough to admit, but she was holding me back from experiencing life and connecting with others.

As a teenager, I was forced to take on adult responsibilities, caring for her instead of focusing on my own growth.

Her absence, though difficult, might actually give me the freedom to explore and discover my true potential.

I'm trying to shift my perspective and focus on the opportunities ahead, rather than dwelling on the past. I'm learning to be kind to myself and acknowledge my emotions, rather than suppressing them.

I know I deserve to live a fulfilling life, and I'm willing to work hard to make that happen. I'll take it one step at a time, seeking support from my caseworker and others when I need it. I'll keep reminding myself that I'm not alone, and that I have the resilience and determination to create a brighter future for myself.

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