Or did the person who ordered this attack just want to piss Beast off? The person must have some guts to kidnap me from right under his nose but who could it be?

I didn't know of any of Beast's enemies or even his friends. I spent most of the days at home, except when I mingled with people when I was in Italy.

Dennis didn't like me being alone with the bodyguards at the Black House so I mostly stayed in my room or in the living room, watching TV and nowadays, I'd been simply too busy with my studies to have time roaming around the house.

I was dragged out of my thoughts when I heard someone coughing from the drivers side of the vehicle I was in, which I was currently guessing was a van. At least the inside of a van looked like this from behind.

"Stop taking these death sticks or they'll take you to your early fucking grave." Growled a deep voice. "

"Mind your business Scar. Anyway, how much do you think he'd pay us if we scare her a little?" The coughing, slightly pitchy male voice asked.

"Scare? He asked you not to make any funny moves Saw. He knows you can be a pig sometimes. Don't touch the girl."


"I said no."

"Come on. It's just a little play. He wouldn't even notice we played with her." He persisted and I felt disgust rapidly coil up my guts. What an idiot. Anger burned through me and my eyes darkened. I narrowed my eyes at the window partition, wishing I could get through to them right now and strangle him to death.

The thought of him putting his hands on me made me shudder in disgust. Even Beast would often ask for my permission before kissing me.

"Fine. When we get to the hideout." The man finally conceded when Mr cough kept pleading in an irritated tone.

"I knew you were a sneaky bastard. Don't worry, we'll play with her together." The coughing pervert jested, laughing. I sneered, hoping they would at least cut these ropes open so I could attack at least one of them. Maybe biting an ear off would appease my current anger.

After what felt like thirty minutes later, the car finally stopped moving.

Then the door slammed and I heard footsteps. The door was then pulled open and a tall, lean man came into view.

"Look who finally woke up." He stated. He had slant eyes and a crooked smile that made me known he meant trouble. He was definitely the smoker, Saw.

"Let's get her in. Boss should be here in an hour or so." The short man that appeared beside him said, sounding bored. He was around five inch two and had too much muscles in his arms that one would wonder if they weighed him down. He had black cropped hair parted at the side, which honestly gave him an exaggerated look considering his stature and profession. He also had a deep scar running from his crooked left eyebrow down to his chin.

The thin man came forward, eyeing me lustfully and smiling. Surprisingly, his teeth were pure white but that didn't lessen the disgust I felt for him.

Going into my victim mode, my eyebrows scrunched up in unbelief and my lips set into a half pout. I shook my head and whimpered, moving back slowly to show vulnerability so they would feel more relaxed around me and it worked.

To the tall man, seeing me act docile and vulnerable seemed to further excite him. Stepping into the van, he carried me into his arms and chuckled at my form while I struggled weakly as he alighted the van for the short man to lock it up.

He carried me through the back of my thighs and my back, leading me towards the back of a normal looking yellow and blue painted bungalow among other bungalows surrounded by gardens in a regular looking, reserved area.

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