Butler training starts! (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Daijoubu, our senpais are not lost. They might be having trouble with their fans," Tokiya said as he tried to calm Ittoki but only to skyrocket his concerned attitude until Tokiya turned the doorknob. As soon as he opened the door, they were facing with someone that they knew very well.

"Are~~ what took you guys so long to reach here?" Reiji asked in a joking manner as he was checking out the staff room like a curious child.

"Rei-chan?! We were here first and you guys missed out the instructions given by Kei," Ittoki explained as he was in the verge of bursting due to the sudden appearance of their senpais.

"Oh, those instructions that Kei-kun were telling you about around 1 minute and 49 seconds ago?" Ai asked to which the three nodded nonchalantly. "They were pasted around the back entrance by the time we arrived." Which immediately replaced their unconcerned looks with a shocking ones.

"But why not through the front entrance?" Syo asked with a hint of suspicion as he eyed Reiji for some reason.

"Ahahahaha...we somehow met up with an unexpected encounter of fangirls and such..." Reiji began but he stopped as he felt glares from behind him. It was Ranmaru and Camus.

"Seriously...Reiji, you are really useless in explaining.... I'll do it," Ai stated calmly but with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

Approximately 6.55 am...in the cold autumn morning...

"Ii neko da…" was all Ranmaru said as soon as their journey began. Cecil the cat was currently having so much fun with Ranmaru but as for Camus, he's still at his glaring contest with no one who cares. Ai was still listening to his Ipod but was staring into space. Reiji was busy driving his car as carefully as possible as they were heading for the street where alot of pedestrians were at. By that time, Ai put away his Ipod and began:

"According to my data, black cats tend to spread ill omens around people so it will be bad if this cat were to stay with us any longer as my calculations confirms that there will be 95.6868011% of us facing a mob at about 30 seconds starting now."

"Ai-Ai, daijoubu yo! Cecil won't be that bad plus We won't be trampled by a group of high school girls through this road since we got our disguises on-" Reiji explained in a happy-go-lucky way but was interrupted by a sudden appearance of girls just in front of them, who were busy chatting with each other without knowing that a car is on its move. By the time they realised it, one of the girl somehow bumped herself on the car. "This is bad! I might have hurt her..." And opens the car door and went out without even remembering that he is an idol whom can be recognised by fans easily.

"Damn, what is Reiji doing?! He can't just go out like that!!" Ranmaru bellowed as he stopped playing with Cecil. Afterall, he would have hurt himself onto the car screen if he didn't wear his seatbelt. Seatbelts are the lifesavers~

"Akako-chan!! Daijoubu?!" One of the girls who wasn't with the group, asked as she rushed to her friend who had fell on the floor.

"Daijoubu desu, Yuuka...probably...but I can stand!" Akako, the girl who got hurt said as she forced herself to stand but winced in pain because she was bruised on her knee and her arm.

"Don't force yourself! You'll get hurt," another girl, who appeared to be in the crowds said as she rushed in and helped her friend. "You girls, don't just stand there, help her out!" Which made the group of girls, flinched and glared at the girl who was helping Akako, then averted their attention to the injured girl.

"Akako, how can you be so careless? You are making a scene here in front of people?" One of the girls in the group asked in a sarcastic tone. "I guess you shouldn't be with us in the beginning!"

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