Prologue: A Mishap of Madness

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That's it, thought. For the most part, I do not own Akame ga Kill and Madness Combat. They belong to their owners.


Meanwhile, Somewhere In Nevada....

In one of the AAHW's facilities, there appears to be an agent overlooking the deserted area that is Nevada on top of the roof.

The agent sigh at this, "Well. It's just a good time to smoke."

Then a blade appeared behind him and stabbed him through his heart, killing before he was bisected into two.

Hank J. Wimbleton then swing his Dragon Sword aloft to wipe the blood away and splash onto the pavement as he then walked over to the door.

As many agents are shown patrolling the area, Hank suddenly appears from the entrance and killed the remaining agents as he stabbed one in the head before he kicked him to another agent.

One of the agents rushed at him with a pipe before Hank just swing his sword and cut his arm off as the agent screamed before he was stabbed in the head.

Hank then go to another room to see another group of agents alongside a single engineer wielding an assault rifle as he fired at him.

Hank easily dodged the many bullets on his way as the engineer is taking cover.

Hank then whips out his Colt Python at one of the agents with a combat knife and another with a bat.

Hank then dodged an agent trying to throw at him a chair before he killed him by cutting his guts off, making his intestines fall of before he beheaded him.

The engineer finally reload his weapon and open fire on Hank only to be instantly get shot Hank shooting him in the head.

Hank put his Dragon Sword and Colt Python on his coat as he picks up the assault rifle as he go to the next room.

Another batch of agents are all appearing as they wield their handguns and open fire on Hank only for Hank to use his assault rifle to gunned them down in an instant as the majority of the agents are all being gunned down by Hank himself.

Hank then encounter two engineers wielding a riot shield and swords in front of him and Hank was about to shoot only to find out that it is empty.

Hank just throw the assault rifle at the engineer as he whips out his Dragon Sword and fight against the two engineers.

One of the engineers tried to charge ahead with his shield forward only for Hank to jump up and stabbed him in the back, killing him.

The sole remaining engineer tried to swing his sword at Hank as he dodged before he tried to thrust his sword at Hank, resulting in his arm being cut off alongside his other arm.

The engineer screamed in his electronic voice before he was silenced by Hank bludgeoning him with his own riot shield until it finally decapitated him.

Hank throw the shield away before going to the next room.

Hank whips out his Dragon Sword and Colt Python as he then decimated the majority of the agents charging at him with one agent trying to stabbed him with a combat knife before he was stabbed in the gut.

Hank then dodged out of the way to avoid a GOL3M appearing, carrying a minigun as it opened fire upon Hank.

Hank dodged out of the way rolling and side swiping to avoid the hail of bullets as he whips out a Desert Eagle and fire at the GOL3M.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2022 ⏰

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