Raven And Alex's Kidnapping

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While Alex and Raven are running, Mrs. Isabelle catches up to them. She picks up a pipe she found on the floor and then knocks Raven and Alex out. She then drags them into the school's basement. After that, she drags Conny's body down there too. Fifteen minutes later, Willow starts to get worried.
"Hey, guys? Have any of you seen Raven or Alex? They were supposed to be here."
"Yeah, Conny isn't here either. Where are they?"
Then, Emma sees Mrs. Isabelle.
"Mrs. Isabelle? Have you seen Conny, Raven, or Alex? Conny was supposed to be with you, and Raven and Alex were supposed to be a lunch."
"No, Conny left my classroom to meet you guys. I haven't seen Raven or Alex."
Gilda walks in to tell Emma that she needs to eat, but then she notices something on Mrs. Isabelle's dress. and face.
"Um, Mrs. Isabelle? You have some red stuff on your dress and your face."
"Oh, uh-, some paint exploded on me while I was painting?"
"I never saw paint in your classroom before." Emma says with some suspicion.
"Well, that's because I just found some in Art Class!" Mrs. Isabelle yells with aggression and annoyance.
"Did she just yell at me? And when did she get that paint? And where is Conny, Raven, and Alex? And that "paint" looks like blood. There isn't even an Art Class at this school. And why is there a pipe next to her with the same "paint"? Also, why is she next to the school's basement?"
"Mrs. Isabelle? May I ask, why is there a pipe next to you with the same "paint" as the one on your face and dress? And why are you near the school's basement? Also, did you have that paint on your face and dress when Conny left?"
"Well, I went to the basement to find a broom and a mop to clean up the mess."
"But, don't we have a janitor's closet? Couldn't you've used a broom and mop from there?" Gilda says, also feeling suspicious about Mrs. Isabelle. Gilda was right. If there was a janitor's closet, why would she need to go down to the basement? Is Mrs. Isabelle hiding something down there? Why is there a pipe next to her with the same "paint"? Gilda was starting to feel the same feelings as Emma. Soon enough, Raven and Alex were awake.
Raven and Alex wake up, noticing that they are both tide up. They both move around a little seeing that Conny's body is down there with them. While Raven was moving, she drops a broom. Everyone hears the noise.
"Did you hear that, Emma?"
"I did. What was it?"
"Well, it-it-it was probably a rat downstairs and knocked over the broom. Now, move along! There is nothing to see here. You both have class in five minutes!"
Emma and Gilda walk away and Emma looks back while she is walking. She sees that Mrs. Isabelle is walking downstairs to the basement with her pipe and closes the door, but forgets to lock it.
Emma grabs Gilda's hand and the speed walk twords the basement.
"Emma! What are you doing? Mrs. Isabelle said for us to go!"
"Shh! Keep your voice down, Gilda! We're going down the basement to check on Mrs. Isabelle. Mrs. Isabelle has never yelled at me before like that. And why would she lie about and "Art Class"? She knows we don't have that at this school. Art Class is coming to this school next month! Also, why did she bring a pipe down to the basement?"
"Maybe she wants to clean it and then put it back from where it came from?"
"Maybe, maybe not. But we're going down there to see what she's up too. Let's go!"

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