When Ray and Norman Meet

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It was a sunny day, and Ray was at the Promised Neverland High. Ray was about 18 years old, and was very protective of his friend, Emma.

"Hey, Ray!" Emma shouted with excitement, as usual.

"Hey, Emma." Ray said, with his boring old tone. Ray wasn't that type of hype person like Emma. Emma was a little younger than Ray. Emma was 16 years old. She was always obsessed with Ray. She also had a crush on her best friend, Gilda. Gilda was the same age as Emma, but enough about her.

"Hey, Ray, have you seen Gilda? She was supposed to meet me here. I have to give her heart chocolates and this adorable teddy bear for Valentine's Day!" Emma said while rubbing her head on the teddy bear.

"Oh, I forgot it was Valentine's Day. Sadly, I don't have one."

"Of course you don't have one, so many girls come up to you, simping for you, and you literally reject them."

"That's because they aren't my type. They're those type of bratty girls who will tend to attack any girl I speak with."

"Well, I don't see any of them right now, do I?"
Then, while Emma and Ray were arguing, someone bumps into Ray.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" Ray shouts at the boy, agressily. The boy seemed to be wearing the school's uniform, and his hair was white.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there. Hi, I'm Norman! What's your name?"

"Ray. Watch where you're going next time."

"Hey, Norman! I'm Emma, Ray's friend!" 

Norman and Ray then look at each other for one minute, then blushing and looking away.

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