At the end of the day, I did feel a bit more confident handling the weapon. At least I was slowly figuring out how to aim. I was feeling good about it since this was only the second class.

When the class was over, I hurried to my car so I could go see Sirius. I hadn't had the time to visit him that day, so he was probably starving. He'd told me he was just fine with blood bags this time, but I knew him better than that.

When I arrived at the clinic, it was already twenty minutes past eight. Knowing I could only stay for an hour or two made me sad, and the fact that Sirius hadn't eaten anything in the past twenty-four hours made me feel worse.

"Did he eat?" I asked first thing when Mike came to open the door.

"At least he tried to," he said with a sigh, stepping aside so I could get in.

I had never tiptoed my way through those two corridors to the very back of the clinic as fast as I did now. When I stepped into Sirius' room, I found him lying in his bed, his eyes closed and face pale. He was very uncomfortable.

"Hey. Are you awake? I'm sorry it took so long," I told him as I went to sit on his bed.

He opened his eyes slowly, and the second he saw me, they turned red.

"You must be hungry," I said, pulling up my sleeve.

"Hey, Ri..." he breathed out, his movements slow when he tried to sit up.

"Oh, no... You're really weak," I muttered as I gently helped him sit up, but he didn't have the strength to stay up. I held him carefully while wiggling to sit down behind him so he could rest against my chest. "Here, you need to eat."

I had to press my wrist on his lips because he couldn't even lift his hand. Twenty-four hours without food was way, way too long for him.

"Did you try to eat from blood bags?" I asked him, glancing at Mike, who was standing a few feet away, looking just as worried as I felt.

"It made me sick..."

"Okay, okay... I'm here now," I said reassuringly, watching him try to lick my skin. "Don't worry about that. Just bite me. I can take it."

He refused to bite me as long as I could feel it, no matter how many times I asked him to ignore me. But finally, he sank his teeth into my wrist. It wasn't a good bite, but at least he was able to draw a little blood.

"That's it..."

I was horrified at how weak he had become in one single day. While he drank, I turned to Mike again.

"We need to take a few bags of my blood for these kinds of situations," I told him.

"We can try. I hoped he is now able to drink other people's blood, but he can't hold it in for some reason," Mike said. "I fear it will be the same with your blood when it's not fresh."

"But why? What's with the bags?"

"He can't stand the taste. He is still sick. Imagine having a bad stomach flu and someone tries to offer you food you never liked in the first place."

I turned to stare at Sirius. He was slowly getting his fangs deeper into my flesh. He didn't look like he could hear us.

"We should still try bagging my blood," I said. "We can't let this happen again."

"Sure thing, boss," Mike said, his worried expression gaining an amused hint to it. "He's getting his strength back now, so I'll get out of your hair. Call me if you need anything."

I nodded, and he left.

Sirius was still pale, and his body was freezing cold. I had not seen him like that since I became his feeder. I'd almost forgotten how cold his body could get without blood.

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