B63 bullets were much more interesting. Mr. Graaf told us to take a few from the box so we could see what they looked like. It would've looked just like any other bullet, but half of the casing was made of glass, and I could see green liquid inside it.

"Wolfsbane bullets. These are specifically tailored to kill and injure werewolves. One bullet like this through their head or heart will kill them in seconds. There are strong antidotes against wolfsbane, but it has to be given to the victim within minutes, and often the wolfsbane has to be removed from their system to prevent it from reaching the heart before the antidote kicks in. That usually means amputations. This is also the kind of bullet our X11 will break most often when firing. I do not recommend using these bullets with X11 if there is another way to defend yourself. If the bullet breaks inside the gun, the gun will become useless until the shards are removed, and the chamber thoroughly cleaned."

When he stopped talking, I was already peering at the next box. B67. I had a gun that used them.

"B67 is the most popular type of bullet. It's pure silver, and silver works against a big list of creatures. If you're not sure what kind of gun you need, this is the one to start with. These bullets can also be easily upgraded or enhanced. Silver doesn't work against vampires, but dip it in holy water or ask a priest to bless it, it will hurt their kind as well. Same goes with other unholy creatures. You can also mix in other ingredients, like salt or iron, even hide small spells and hexes inside them. This makes these bullets the number one choice for any hunter, guard, and civilian."

I shivered when he mentioned vampires, though now I understood why Mike had given me that specific gun.

"Both B97 and B98 are vampire bullets. B97 is made of dead man's blood, which is mainly used to poison the vampire target to make them weak. If left untreated, the poison will eventually kill the victim, but that takes several hours, maybe even days. B98, on the other hand, is made of UV light, and will burn the victim inside out. This bullet will kill the target in minutes unless it's removed, making it far more efficient than B97."

I hesitated before I took one of each type of bullet. The one with the poison looked exactly the same as the wolfsbane bullet, but the liquid inside was red. But the UV bullet was the most fascinating of them all. The tip was made of glass, and it emanated bright, blue light. That was the bullet for my second gun.

It felt wrong to have something so powerful. This thing could kill Sirius in a horrible, painful way. I was still getting used to holding such a deadly weapon – I had never held one before this – but somehow the idea that these two bullets were specifically created to kill Sirius and his kind... There was something very disturbing about it.

I tried to pay close attention as the theory part of our class continued. Mr. Graaf gave examples of other types of bullets meant for less common targets, but apparently mostly only hunters used them, so we wouldn't need them during this course.

Once the theory part was over, Mr. Graaf took us to the firing range next door. The rest of the class was for target practice.

"You remember how to load the gun? Good. You may use B56 and B67 bullets freely during this practice, but if you want to test the glass bullets, ask for my help, okay? The gun acts a bit differently with each type of rounds, so don't be shy to test them all."

We all nodded and started loading the guns under his watchful eye. He kept reminding us of the safety rules and came to help if there was even a small issue. I really liked him. He was calm and patient, which was greatly appreciated since I was still very nervous about firing the gun.

I took my time practicing, loading the gun and shooting at the target over and over again. I was not good at aiming, but that was the second reason I was here. I didn't feel a difference between silver and iron bullets, and when it was my turn to test the wolfsbane rounds, the only thing I noticed was that it kicked back a bit harder, and the sound was a bit... screechy. The bullet itself stayed intact until it hit the bottom corner of the target, where it spilled the liquid and the shards all over the lane.

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