Chapter 17: Premonition

Start from the beginning

Lord Grimm let out a fearsome howl that shattered all of Lord Alexander's swords into dust. The intense sound had all the vampires grabbing their bleeding ears. Once unleashed, the entire army of werewolves rushed forward taking full advantage of the opening that was presented to them.

"This ends now," Lord Grimm's face started to change into that of a wolf. Black fur quickly covered his body. His claws grew in length as his muscle grew in size reaching twice the potential of a regular werewolf. He rushed in striking his brother with his claws tearing through his armor like paper. Gashes appeared on Lord Alexander's face and chest as Grimm showed him no mercy. He went to bite down on Alexander's neck. He caught his snout cloaking his fist in diamond, punching Grimm in the rib cage again and again until his ribs started to break. Grimm backed off.

"You were always so impatient, brother," Lord Alexander shot diamond spikes at him. Lord Grimm backhanded the spikes so hard they flew back at him striking him in the shoulder. Lord Alexander gripped his bleeding shoulder. Lord Grimm pounced on the king of the vampires mauling him with his claws. Diamond swords fell from the sky crashing down on Grimm, he jumped back dodging them with a back flip. Lord Alexander fired the swords at his brother, attacking him with twelve swords. All of which, Lord Grimm dodged and blocked getting closer to his brother.

"This won't end like last time," Lycan picked up a spear coated in holy water. He threw it at Lord Alexander's back. Ziek quickly jumped into the air and caught it. He threw the spear aside and Lycan bared his sharp canines at him. He unleashed his claws walking toward Ziek.

"Oh, no, I'm not going to fight you." Ziek laughed. "He is," Lightning flashed and thunder cracked as Angel was standing there beside Ziek. He wore a black leather trench coat and distressed jeans. He held a silver edged sword in his hand with the engraving of a King's crown on it. "Have fun, buddy," Ziek patted Angel on the shoulder. His pale hazel eyes were glaring deep into Lycan's as lightning flashed once more.

"Well this is convenient," Lycan grinned. "Instead of me having to find you. You took the liberty of finding me yourself. Though," He hitched a laugh. "This changes nothing, you're still a Would Be Prince."

"It's better to be a Would Be Prince than a Spoiled one." Angel jumped into the air and kicked Lycan back. Lycan's claws skid across the ground after being pushed back. He growled and his face started to change into a fearsome wolf. "That's okay, go wolf, I got something for you." He threw his sword at Lycan. Lycan entered his wolf form. He grabbed the sword in mid air and began swinging it at Angel. When he did, his whole body was covered in a curse that forced him out of his wolf form. "Don't touch a sword that doesn't belong to you." He punched Lycan in the face striking him so hard he broke his nose. Angel jumped on top of Lycan punching him over and over again in the face.

"I got something for you too," Lycan jammed a syringe in Angel's neck. He injected him with holy water. This stopped him from using his curses on Lycan. It also had a burning effect as it entered his body. As a result,Angel let out a loud scream. He slowly backed up grabbing the side of his neck.

"That's the thing about you vampires," Lycan smirked. He slashed Angel across the chest with his claws leaving four deep gashes. "You're nothing without your abilities." He grabbed Angel's throat lifting him into the air. He threw Angel down his back slamming into the mud. He pinned Angel down by his throat. "Time to die, vampire Prince." He went to inject his claws into Angel's throat and rip it out but. Angel wrapped his legs around Lycan's arm catching him in arm bar and he twisted his arm to the point it was starting to break. Lycan jerked his arm free, when he did, Angel tackled him and pulled out a silver edged knife.

"I'm not the one who's going to die," Angel slit Lycan's throat with the knife but the edge went dull before it cut him. "What the?" Lycan kicked Angel, knocking him on his ass. While Angel was trying to get back on his feet, his jeans and hands became caked in mud. Lycan placed his hand on top of Angel's head and he pulled at his long wet hair.

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