Chapter 7 ~ Uneasy

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Cole drove me to his dorm room. He says that Dylan doesn't know he lives here so I'm safe. I'm still a little uneasy though. It's not really the best decision to be with Cole right now considering he just beat the crap out of my boyfriend. Ex? I'm not sure what we are.

I hope he got the hint that we are no longer together. Cole is cooking me up some dinner while I sit on his couch. I want to ask if he plans on sleeping here. But I'm also nervous because what if he wasn't and now he feels obligated to say yes?

"Abby?" I hear him call my name and I look up. He is handing me a bowl of raman. "Sorry it's not much but I'm barely here." I nod understanding as we eat in silence. I wonder if he meant what he said.

I mean he basically just told Dylan that I told Cole everything. I will worry about that later though. Cole puts on a cooking show as we eat. Later I help him with dishes and then sigh because I'm pretty sure the night is over.

I go to the door and put on my shoes. I can see Cole looking at me with a confused look. "Why are you putting your shoes on?" I shrug, "Because it's late and I need to be up early tomorrow morning." I state the obvious to avoid anything.

"Abby, I thought I made it clear that you can stay here. I don't feel good about you sleeping in your dorm room. I know he can't get in because I took his key but still, he's crazy." I laugh but then freeze, "You have his key?" He nods and I let out a scoff.

"Please Abby just stay?" He pleads in a soft voice that is hard to say no to. "I'm sorry Cole, not tonight." I say and walk up to him and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles and blushes before I walk out the door.

Once I walk in my dorm I make sure to put the locks on top and even send a picture to Cole. I then go to sleep because tomorrow is going to be interesting.


I get to school early so that I can just sit in my first class and not have to worry about running into Dylan. I don't think he has practice this morning but just in case, I had to take a different route.

I'm not sure what to do for the rest of the day. I can't avoid him forever and I know that people will start to get suspicious when they see us not together.

I'm doodling in my notebook until class starts when I get a notification on my phone. Cole texted me saying,

Dylan is on probation, he has one more strike and he's off.

Thank you for telling me, now I'm worried he's going to take all his anger out on me.

Like I told you last night, I won't let him hurt you.

I put my phone away when the teacher walks in and the class begins to fill up. I began to wonder what Dylan is capable of doing, I mean this was my fault. What if he hurts Cole? Or Eli? I can't let him do that because it will be all my fault.


I'm walking out of school to go to work. I have managed to avoid Dylan all day since he has been distracting himself with his group of friends that don't even like him.

I get to work and pull on my apron, tonight is a busy night since tonight they have a hockey game. If they win, they will all be here, if they don't, the other team will be here. So either way I lose.

I'm cleaning up the counters watching the game as I clean. We have had a couple of old people come in, some adults watching the game. This is the most the diner has ever had.

As I keep watching I can't help but look at Cole. He's doing amazing and he just looks so good. He's meant for the ice.

"Abby?" I hear my name and look up to see my boss Sally. "We have another order for table 6." I nod my head and take the food there. I place the food down and give the couple a smile, asking if they want anything else. Once they say no. I go back to the kitchen.

The game is almost over and we are losing, maybe it's a good thing though, Dylan won't have a reason to come here. But that also means that Cole doesn't have a reason to come here.

After a very tough game, the away team takes the win. I sigh and prepare for all the big hockey boys that are about to come barreling in.

Not that I mind... I have always liked the big tall guys. Which does not explain why I'm dating a twig like Dylan. Compared to these guys, Dylan has nothing on him.

I laugh at my thought as I wipe down another table. It's been ten minutes since the game has ended so the team should be here any minute.

Just as I think that, the team that won comes in cheering and high fiving each other. I smile at their teamwork and go back to the counter to wipe that off as well.

I'm then told by my boss to go over and ask them what they want with my coworker Milly. I nod and we head over to the tables. "Hell, I'm your server Abby, what can I get for you guys?" I ask as kindly as I can.

"Hello sweetheart, can we just get five buckets of fries and lots of ketchup and ranch, as well as three pitchers of water?" One of the guys asks. I look at him and smile, telling him it will be right up.

He gives me a smile in return and I walk to another table that is full of hockey players.

I then go and get them their food as I jungle all the food I'm holding. I push open the doors and walk to the first table I went to. I place all their food down and ask for a name for this order. One says, "Jaxon" and I write it down.

As I'm walking back to get their receipt ready, I feel an arm pull at me. The guy named Jaxon, I assume, holds my wrist gentle and stands up from the booth. He walks us over to the record player and lets go of my hands and puts them in his pocket.

"I'm sorry, I just thought you were really beautiful and I- wanted to ask you out?" He asks and I almost cry because he sounds so sincere and sweet and nervous. I almost say yes but then my mind goes to everything that has happened.

"I'm sorry, you seem like really nice guys, but I'm not sure where I stand with certain people. I can give you my number and we can be friends and maybe if things don't work out, we can hang out?" I also try to sound nice.

He nods and we exchange numbers. He walks back to his table smiling and I smile back taking my phone to the backroom.

I then feel the air escape my lungs when I feel someone breathing behind me.

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