83. You Have to Choose

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"You have something of mine," he hisses. "I want it back"

"What do I have of yours?"

"The Revival Book. It was mine and Schlatt got it somehow, and he gave it to you. I want to back. The original"

"I hid it, somewhere where it will never be found, I only have the copy"

"I need it" XD growls.


"Well with your lovely girlfriend over here as my queen with the Death Book, and myself with the Revival Book, we'll be unstoppable. We can turn this Smp into our own show, those who don't obey, die, those who obey, are revived"

My queen, the words echo in Y/N's head. I'm not going to be his, I'm not ending up like Jean.

"Y/N, you're not going to say yes right?" Dream looks at her, he knows that she loves him but the promise of power is tempting.

"I don't know" she says.

"It's not that hard!" XD roars, his rage boiling to surface. The clouds gather and the winds picks up. "You have to choose! The god or the mortal! Power or love! Survival or death! You have the chance to be in control, to have all the power!"

Power, he wants me for power. He needs someone to hold the Death Book so he can get power from deaths on the Smp. If I don't say yes, he'll punish those I care about. Dream, Phil, Techno, Tommy, I can't let that happen to them.

Dream watches his love helplessly, he knows that her heart wants him but her mind wants XD. Which would she listen to?

"Alright XD," her voice full of pain, regret, and guilt.

"I'll join you"

Tears roll down Dream's cheeks.

XD smiles.

"Very well, I need you to do my a favor.
Kill Dream"


"You heard me, prove that you chose me, kill him with the Death Book"

"You'll revive him right?"

"Then what's the point of killing him? He needs to stay dead forever so I can find the original Revival Book that I created!"

"Y/N how could you do this to me?" Dream gasps out, his face soaked with tears. He gives one last effort to convince his love that she is in the wrong. "You loved me, after all we've been through, you gave everything for me and I gave everything for you! Now you just throw it all away?!"

"Dream, this is for the best" tears fall down her face too. "I'm doing this for the best of the Smp, for the greater good"

Dream feels the horrible echo of his own words.

For the greater good, if she didn't agree, XD would have punished all of us and took her anyway. She is protecting us by giving herself to him.

"Write his name down and twist the silver skull one full turn to the right" XD watches with glee.

She'll get over it, she'll lose Dream but she'll have me. I'm Dream but better, in god form.

Y/N pulls out a pen and lifts it to the paper.

"Y/N, I— love you" Dream says. He's on his knees, tears flowing down his face. His friends stand beside him, George and Sapnap sit next to him, ready to watch their friend go. Punz stares at Y/N in hatred.

How could she do this? He asks.

DreamXD watches her write the one word.


He smiles and turns to Dream.

"We're alike in many ways, but what sets us apart is that I have powers and am the literal god! Why wouldn't she choose me?!"

She chose power over love.
She chose him over me.

Dream feels his heart shatter.

Y/N, how could you do this to Dream? Phil watches his daughter, heartbroken.

Y/N finally puts down the pen and closes the book.

Her hand holds the silver skull on the cover, her eyes meet Dream's. Both sets brimming with tears.

DreamXD watches, a sinister smile forming on his face.

She won't be Jean, I will make sure that she listens to me.

Her hand rotates the skull.

Dream closes his eyes, bracing himself for the black void.

The whole Smp watches, breathless.

The skull finishes its rotation and a rushing sound can be heard.

DreamXD laughs, his laughter is picked up by the wind and scattered through the lands.

"These worlds will be mine! Forever mine!"

Dream keeps his eyes closed.

After a few moments, nothing happens. He opens them. He's still alive.

XD looks confused as well.

"He should be dead by now" he mutters. "Are you sure you wrote the incantation right?" He asks Y/N.

"You saw me write it" she says, her face distant.

The seconds to turn to minutes, Dream can do nothing but wait. He shuts his eyes again.

Then, something unexpected happens.

DreamXD's two golden halos, begin to turn into gold dust, and evaporate into the air.


Dun, dun, duuuun

Cliffhanger! Hah!

Comment any mistakes you find so I can fix them!

𝒟𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓂𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒩𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓂𝒶𝓇𝑒𝓈 - Dream x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ