"That works too I guess, so what you want us to dispose off?"

"Look, I'm really in a hurry, can you come back tomorrow or something, so she tell you herself what to do?"

"Look Miss, the contract says its today, so its today, it also says that the instructions are to be given on site to keep it discreet...please let it not be a corpse or a murder scene, that's the other company that has a similar name to ours. *Sigh* We really need to change our company name.

"I...*sigh* Fine, I know what it is anyway. Follow me" I said reluctantly 

Back at the living room


*Classical music playing on the background*

And that's why I hate this FUcking events Lucifer make... all they do is hiring some weird mediocre entertainers or strippers or something alike, every FUCKING YEAR! Stella said completely drunk, finishing her...I don't know what round, I lost count. She already drank all the alcohol I found at that at farm, even the ones that already had before that, wine, whiskey, rum, vodka, all gone.

"Yea...that's...repetitive...I think..." I said while drinking from my glass, I only manage to drink a quarter of my first round.

IT IS! And the worst part is it don't have class, this kind of events are no different from those on the low castes, It was acceptable until he start getting stingy with the food and specially the drinks... Why can't nobody make them like the old times, with good music, just chatting, maybe a jester from time to time! I missed those times." She said losing balance and took another from time to time while sitting on the couch, taking another sip from her glass.

"Emm... I ma'am, they don't make it like before...I guess." I said trying to agree with her. I take a small sip.

"And then Stolas...THEN FUCKING STOLAS!" She said yelling out of nowhere, making me almost spill my drink.

"Oh no..." I thought to myself, I don't want to get involve in this drama more than I accidently have.

"Wow, wow wow, better don't get into that, remember you are not drinking to...well...remember" I said trying to make her change topic or something.

"You are right... you got something stronger?" She asked extending her glass at me.

"Ma'am, what you were drinking is wood alcohol, the only thing I think its stronger than that is cazador's venom, and I don't have any with me right now." I answered her

"Fine...give me more then" She said

I reluctantly serve her another round, she then drinks it immediately, she kept ranting and talking about...well...everything at this point, even why the white tales on a kitchen weren't the shade of white she wanted and all that, she also start asking me questions, nothing essential, mostly trivial ones, but apparently that was enough to stop her from being angry, well...at least not at me, and that's what it counts. After some more minutes, and emptying the last bottle, I even had to give her the wine I still had on my glass, but finally her energy started to get depleted, and start to calming down...

Octavia POV

I hurried back to the living room. I then start hearing my mom yelling, I double my pace, when I got closer and closer, I start to notice they were coming from the living room, and it weren't yells, but laughter. "SHIT!" open the door to the living room, I got hit not only by the heavy smell of alcohol, but also seeing my mom, laughing, with an empty drinking glass, and Y/N was picking up the empty glass bottles that were laying around on the coffee table while still sitting on the couch.

"Uhh....what is happening?" I said, completely and genuinely confused not only by the sight of my mom and y/n talking at each other, but seeing my mom completely drunk...and laughing

Y/N quickly look up at me

"Octavia! Finally, WHERE THE F..." He then got interrupted by my mom.

"My dear Octavia, you didn't told me we were having visitors today" She said while standing up, almost losing her balance and walk behind the couch where Y/N was sitting.

"Well...I..." I said while still trying to process what is happening."

"Your friend, Y/N was it?*Burp*, You should invite him more often..." She said as she leaned down and put her arms around Y/N neck, hugging him, and rest her head on top of his. "He is a really good listener..." She said before falling asleep and started to snore."




I look at Y/N


"SHUT UP!" He loudly whispered at me while pointing at mom "Help me get out of here!" He loudly whispers at me while staying perfectly still, I quickly cover my mouth

"Right!" I whisper back at him, and help him take my mom from him.

"Now what? We leave her here or..." He asked

"I don't know...lets take her back to her room"

"Right" He said back

We then grab her by the armpits and basically drag her through the hallway to her room, laid her down on the bed, exit the room and gently closed the door. We then head back to the living room and start cleaning the mess.

"Now answer me, what the hell did just happened!" I asked

"Traded my alcohol and a portion of my sanity for her silence and cooperation, now if it was worth it...I don't know, and where the hell you've been all this time?!" He said kind of angerly as fill the trash bag with the glass bottles.

*Sigh* "Got caught up in something...long story short, I had to guide some guys my mom hired to do a remove a statue" I answered

"A statue...a god damn statue? At least tell me what was that was so important?" He said back with an even more angry face.

"Look, I couldn't broke the contract they had, and no, I'm not going to give you the details, lets just say its for the damn best that thing is gone." I said trying to avoid the question.

"Fine, I'm not in the humor for any more stupidity, lets call it a day, I think I'm going to puke if I hear another question." He said 

"How much did you..." I stop short mid sentence, he just stared at me with a tired look, and answered the question.

"That's the problem, I'm sober, I only manage to drank half a glass, your mom drank it ALL, even part of my medical supplies, so if she don't wake tomorrow, now you know why..." He said as he close the trash bag, and put on his backpack. We threw the trash in the dumpster near the kitchen, and head back my room in silence, he just laid down on the couch and instantly fell as sleep.



"What the fuck actually happened while I was gone?"

A Different type of Wasteland Vol1.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن