"I forgave you the first time you had the AUDACITY of talking back at me like that, not going to repeat it." She said on an authoritative tone.

[Speech 69/70] "Imma need you to shut that bullshit up miss. But still, that's a no. Unless... you are willing to barter? I said back

[FAILED]  "Ha! You think someone of my status would even think of negotiating with a subspecies like you? You are really truly naive and ignorant I see" She said bluffing.

[Charisma 4] "Well, that's more of a "U" problem right there, ma'am" I said while shrugging my shoulders

She stopped to think about it, look at the bottle wine on her hand and then at me screeching her teeth looked back at me.

[SUCCEEDED] "Fine... how much you want for all your stash?"

"Normally I would ask for a good stack of money, but I got a better offer to you, I'll give you my whole stash of alcohol, if you 1: Let me stay here 2: Don't rat me out to anybody. Deal?"

"You dare to put conditions on ME!" She said somehow even more angerly than before.

[Barter 80] "Take it or leave it, its a cheap deal for you." I said cockily, I know she is thinking of just take them away from me and disappear me or something, but I bet she also know I can just do a scorch earth tactic and she would need to lick it from the floor with all the broken glass before that can happen.

[SUCCEEDED] "Okay! Fine! Deal!" She said swallowing up her pride.

"Deal" I extend my hand for a handshake

"Don't push it..." She said with a disgusted face

"Fair enough, I'll go bring them" I said retracting my hand

"Hurry, my patience is running thin!"

I start walking towards Octavia's room for my backpack, grabbed it, but left the rifles in the room, that would make things worse, I just want to drop this and get away, the less I'm in her presence the better. I went back to the living room, she was sitting down on the couch, and on the coffee table 2 whiskey glasses. 

"Umm..." I said as I put my backpack down with care.

"What? Its called courtesy and manners, something I think you don't have." Said the same person that chug an entire bottle 5 mins ago, it seems the alcohol is already kicking off, she isn't yelling at me anymore, maybe she is kinda lightweight for this kind of stuff... I don't know if that's a good sign...or not.

"Yea...sure..." I said as I start purring some wine on the glasses.

What I got myself into... Octavia where the fuck are you?!

Meanwhile, in the storage room

Octavia POV

"Where do they put it?" I said in low voice, digging threw a ton of bad labeled boxes, searching for my old phone to give it to him. "We really need to organize all this stuff...why there is so much trash here? "

After some time of digging, moving, and opening boxes, I finally found it, I try to turn in on, and to my surprise, it had some battery left. I look at the time, it was pretty late.

"Shit" I said as I try to put all the boxes back like they were so no one would notice, and start heading back to the living room. But stumbled with some imps with yellow helmets.

"Hey miss, we are from "Quick and Clean Co." Emmm... are you..." He said checking his clipboard. "Mrs. Goetia?" He asked.

"No, that's my mom" I answered quickly, trying to avoid them.

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