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NAME: Dominic (A.K.A. Domino, Dom, and Nicky )
AGE: 17(Physically) 124 (Spirit)

BACKSTORY: Dominic came from a wealthy family in 1879 London, England he was a generous person and spent his time helping the poor, orphans, sick, and immigrants without his parent's knowledge. His parents were not terrible people, nor were they reasonable, they wanted Dominic to inherit their family business, but he wanted to be an inventor. After having a fallout with his parents he decided to go for a midnight stroll through lower London to clear his mind. When his parents heard a knock on their door in the early morning they were greeted by the authorities; upon seeing them they believed that their son had been arrested but that changed when they saw the officers presented them with a tophat with broken goggles.

(I'm sure you know how he died )

Abilities: he has the basic ghost abilities such as intangibility, invisibility, possession, levitation of self and objects, but has he has the ability to make and control steam.

Weapon: a cane sword that can produce steam, a tophat that acts as a second pair of eyes

Look: he wears a black suit underneath a white coat with white trousers and black shoes along with a tophat with broken goggles

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