1:Hate! Thomas brodie-sangester

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Y/n -your name
Kk so first image comment like follow and all that! Thanks! ❤️ sorry if it sucks!

In our apartment watching t.v. Waiting for Thomas to come home. Right now he's filming Maze runner. We bought a apartment here for a while. I'm a fashion designer and musician, I write songs and record them but I've made a lot for the past years so I'm resting for a few years. I'm also an actress/producer/director but haven't done much work.
U flip threw the channels. But there's not much on.
I hear a notification sound from my iPhone,I get a message from twitter. I see what it is. Its from a hatter. Ugh. a fan of Thomas. It's a picture? It's of him and a girl. She's an actress! I've seen her before on set! Her names __(insert any name lol) She's holding hands with him. I get another one! It's him and her kissing! What?! It was taken today! I can tell because of his clothes and where he is! Omg.

My heart is skips a beat. My stomach drops.. I don't know what to feel or do! I didn't notice till 5 minutes after that I'm crying. Not just that, I'm balling. My phone is a little wet with tears. I don't know what to do. I hear another message. it's hate. Again and again. I hate it. they say things like "You suck, B****."
"Thomas dispersed much better than u!"
"Ur a slut!"
And  mostly swear words. I throw my phone at the wall so hard it cracks. I'm crying so hard it hurts to breathe. I can't believe he cheated on me! I calm down and go to the kitchen. I gets. Whine glass and some wine. I like to drink. It settles pain...sometimes. It's not all the time I do. I fill it all the way up. I sip it a few times. them finally look at the time. Oh it's 7:00! Thomas should be here in about 10 minutes. I'm calming down now but it still hurts. Looking at my phone I see more messages on Twitter. I don't know what to do but cry. When I'm madd or angry or sad I cry. All I do is throw a plate at the wall! I don't know why but I fell a bit better. After that I see some more messages and I throw my wine glass. Mostly whipping it off the table and it breaks everywhere. Most of that hate is like "Good for you Thomas  you found a better girl instead of that y/N." I hate that. I can't stop crying.

"Y/N?! What's wrong!" I hear a door slam. my head in my hands sobbing. "What's wrong? Are you alright." he runs to me and turns me around to look at me. I can't say anything I can't talk. My voice is gone because I'm crying so much! He pulls me into a string hug. He looks at my phone and sees all the hate and that picture. "Y/N." He begins so sensitively . "I know it's hard." He pulls me out of the hug and pecks me on the lips. Then pulls me  close and pulls me into a passionate kiss. This lasts for at lease 3 minutes. We pull away. I hear a faint "I love you." I smile and stop crying and say back "I love you" He looks around the room and he notices there's glass and wine everywhere. He looks at me with a face I don't know. It's like a what? Face with more emotions. "Do you want me to clean that?" Aww he offerd. I give a small smile but it's not a big or real one . I say "Yes please. I'm going to bed." I'm so exhausted I've been making new designs all day and I've been crying for so long it hurts. I walk up to the room and plop right on the bed. I sigh and close my eyes.

Few hours later

I feel the bed move. Them I feel some arms wrap around my waist. I'm not sleeping yet. I turn over and see Thomas. I smile at him and he kisses me kinda hard. Now holding hands and his other hand is in my waist we fall asleep.

Sorry it's kinda crap but if people can give some suggestions that would be AWESOME!! ❤️

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