He nods as he agrees, "With pleasure, Kimiko-sama." He looks at the ring of fire and focuses his chakra to the back of his throat. "Water Style: Raging Waves Jutsu!" A torrent of water is emitted from Ace. He turns around in place as the water hits the flames with a violent hiss, causing the flames to be doused almost immediately.

In moments, the flames have vanished and I've also made sure to copy my wolf's Jutsu just now. I smirk back at a stunned Akemi.

I also take note of the water spread out around me. "Now, you were saying something about me being trapped, Akemi?" I ask in a feigned sweet tone. She scowls at me. I tap my foot on the water covered ground as I do hand signs, focusing on my newly acquired Ice Release. "Secret Jutsu: A Thousand Needles of Death!"

As senbon in the form of water rise up around the red haired girl, I hear Sakura cry out, "No way! That Jutsu!"

I thrust my arm forwards and needles of ice fly for my opponent. She takes out a kunai knife and manages to deflect almost all of them, though a few graze her arms and shoulder.

"Let me have a go, Kimi-chan-sama! Oh, please, please!" Momo begs, jumping up and down.

I smirk at the pink furred wolf as I agree, "Alright, Momo. Let her have it, then!"

"Alright!" Momo turns towards Akemi. "Poison Senbon!" Momo expels a few senbon laced with non lethal poison at Akemi.

The Kasai gasps but was able to deflect the poisoned needles and they clatter to the ground around her. "That puppy uses poison?!" Akemi exclaims.

"Momo isn't a puppy," I tell her pointedly. "She's a young wolf. And, yes, Momo does specialise in poison."

"Damn, I didn't get her!" Momo hisses, whacking the ground with her paw.

"You had a good shot, Momo," Ace tells her.

"Well, if that Jutsu failed, how "bout this?! Devil's Fog!" Momo exhales a cloud of dark purple mist towards Akemi. Her green eyes widen greatly and she throws an arm up to her mouth to try and prevent herself from inhaling any of the poisoned mist. Soon, the Kasai disappears within the cloud. "That ought to do it!"

"Nice job, Momo!" I compliment her. It shouldn't be that much longer before that mist kills Akemi...

I hear something come whizzing through the air behind me just as there's a poof from within the fog. I whirl around with my katana in hand and we exchange a few blows. Akemi manages to land a gash on my left forearm. I ignore the pain as I deflect her kunai again. After I deflect the kunai yet again with one swift movement, sending it clattering to the side.

I groan with annoyance at the red haired girl before me as my wolves whirl around. "Seriously?! Why can't you just die, already?! I want this match to be over with!"

"It'll take more than poisoned gas to finish me off," Akemi says smugly. "You're really grating on my nerves."

"Sorry, but I'm going to win this, and get revenge for Ren!" Akemi says, taking out another kunai knife.

"I'd better end this soon," I murmur to myself. I train my eyes on my opponent. Akemi runs at me and I deflect her kunai with my sword. We exchange a few blows but then the redhead knocks my sword out of my hand. It lands on the ground near me.

I look back at Akemi to see her lunging for me again.

I do hand signs as chakra swirls around me. "Secret Jutsu: Crystal Ice Mirrors!" Ace and Momo get out of the way just in time as a done of ice mirrors form around me. Akemi turns around in place as my reflection appears in all the mirrors. I create six crystal senbon, three in each hand. I smirk nastily at the green eyed girl. "Are you sure you don't want to surrender peacefully?"

Book 1: Broken (Kiba Inuzuka Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now