Chatper Two

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Everything in the air was calm as for the two groups everyone seemed absolutely happy, that is until three of the dominants picked up a small scent of fear being emitted from one of the boys around them. Taking a glance at each other trying to determine who could be afraid of something until a new scent quickly followed, covering up the scent of fear and anxiety. As the new scent appeared Cartman stood up quickly and excused himself as he hurriedly made his way towards the bathroom as fast as he possibly could. Everyone watched with confusion as they all began to wonder what had gotten into their friend/enemy.

"Hey guys have either of you seen Eric recently?" The voice was softly raspy as they all turned to find Heidi; all three dominants finally figured out the familiar scent without a word Butters grabbed hold of Stan's jacket making an attempt to hide himself inside in as Clyde slowly leaned against Token while Tweek clung tightly on Craig as he hid his face against his boyfriend's chest. Fear had started to consume the poor lower ranked boys as they allowed their instincts to control them seeing as it had always helped them before. Kyle feeling no sense of danger stared at the clinging boys with confusion before turning to look at Heidi "he went to use the ba-"

"Why do you want to know Heidi?" Stan's voice spoke with slight anger seeping through the redhead glared at his mate for interrupting him. Kyle may not feel the threat due to mating mark giving him more unneeded courage and bravery then he already had but Stan,Token, and Craig certainly knew fully well not to trust someone who puts lower ranks into this kind of fear. "Because I want to know where my little mate went. So Stanley care to tell me where he is?" Snapping her eyes to him caused the dominant to gently push Butters onto Kyle's lap further causing the omega to cling desperately onto his friend thinking it was cute the red head began to rub his friends back to comfort him while the black haired male draped his jacket on top them further blocking out any hostile scent. "Cartman? Is your mate? I've seen no mating mark" with a soft giggle coming from the girl before she slowly shook her head. "Oh? I assure you that there is certainly a mark, it's just not on me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't" she grinned as they all stared at her with confusion causing Kyle to stand upwards excusing himself as he carried a still frightened Butters with him to the bathroom.

"Cartman carrying someone's mark? I find that difficult to believe '' Heidi shrugged her shoulders as she decided to sit down in the chair Eric had been sitting in causing the two lower ranks to hide further against the two dominants. Craig, feeling bad for his boyfriend, began to slowly emit a calming scent to relax the small omega in his arms. Token shielded Clyde from the woman in front of them as for Stan he was simply glad Kyle took Butters with him not wanting to explain to Kenny why his little buttercup was traumatized by the brunette dominant. "I'm shocked he hasn't told you guys about it. He was very excited when it happened and even showed it off to his mom the next day." Token scoffed loudly at the statement receiving a scowling look from Heidi as he did. " If he was so happy then why can't you find him then?"

"Because the scent of so many dominants cancels out the scent of a mid or lower ranked wolf even if they're mated" she wasn't wrong as the fact settled in they knew. It had been that way for many generations where the scent of a high ranking wolf could cancel out the scent of a lower ranking wolf. It was to protect the omega and mid rank children from getting attacked or when the females were pregnant. "When was the last time you saw him?"

"Last month or so" freezing in his seat Stan stared at the female dominant "are you sure?" Nodding her head instead of replying to the simple question. Stan covered his mouth not liking what he was hearing one bit. Cartman never mentioned he had a mate and even then he covered up that scent well. He moved in with Kyle, Kenny, and him a month or two ago saying he felt lonely and didn't want to date anyone. Stan groaned with frustration and smacked his forehead against the table. Heidi stared at him while the rest of them raised an eyebrow. "What did Cartman say to you guys?" The silence was heavy as they all turned to look at the female, her demeanor changing from passive aggressive to angered Stan however was not fazed by this for he too was enraged by the fat brunette he had called friend for all these years and lied this heavily to him. "Bathroom." was the single word he could mutter before motioning for her to follow him as he walked towards the same directions his mate and friend went in.

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