Chatper One

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It was a sunny day out in a small town called south park nice and peaceful that is until tiny thuds and grunts could be heard from a small ball of blonde fur that could be seen running for its dear life from a much larger ball of brown fur, its paws thudding hard against the cement ground as its claws can be heard making a clicking sound with each step. The yellow ball of fur was growing tired their arms and legs growing heavy with exhaustion as they began to pant excessively the more they ran it didn't help the fact that the wolf kept whimpering loudly each time they looked back to the one chasing them as they kept growing closer towards the poor yellow furred wolf. Just as the small wolf was home free they tripped over their own feet as if the whole world turned into a slow motion movie as they slowly began to twirl around before their body collided onto the cement sidewalk before sliding against the ground and just as they began to stand to try to run away as the large brown wolf thudding towards them. It growls, sounding too close for comfort, its snarls feeling like it's close to their neck; they begin hyperventilating with panic but no pain comes and against their better judgment the blonde furred wolf looks upwards slightly expecting the snarling towering male to be above him. However, a booming growl sounded loudly above the smaller wolf instead as another large wolf collided itself against the other large wolf. A paw-like hand darted underneath the small wolf's arm bringing it upwards causing them to shift in order to stand on their hindlegs as more whimpers escaped the poor wolf's mouth. "Stop the whimpering and hurry up". The small wolf fully opened their eyes to look upwards at the other blonde wolf, their best friend twitching like he normally does, making small grunts every time he twitches.

"How many times do I need to kick your ass!!!" Their other friend growled loudly as his tail sticks upwards with anger, his ears folded backwards as his lips curled upwards to show his anger more. "I have a right to punish that omega for what he did!!" the other wolf snorted loudly with the same amount of anger. They both shifted so they could be standing on their hindlegs telling who was taller then who. The raven black furred wolf turned slightly to look at the two blonde wolves behind him "take him out of here now things are gonna get ugly and i don't want either of you to see it.'' His best friend nodded quickly before hurriedly dragging him away from both the large wolves, taking one last glance behind them he saw the two wolves collide against each other once more blood soared into the sky. The small blonde wolf dragged the other down the street and into the alleyway as he began to pull Butters into a small hole to hide themselves just in case Tweek looked at his shaking friend "What happened this time butters?" The small male looked at his friend with tears in his eyes. "i didnt me-mean to upset him. It was an accident I swear !!" patting his back, Tweek sighed softly. "You're really lucky Craig and I got there when we did or else you'd be that mid-ranks chewing toy right now". With a sudden movement a narrow muzzle shoots into their hiding place causing the twitchy wolf to yelp and scratch at the muzzle causing the owner of the muzzle to pull back and whimper softly "fucking hell tweek that hurt!!"

"Oh hush Tweek barely did any damage to your nose so quite being so dramatic Clyde" another round of whimpers could be heard outside the small wolves hidden place. "You're so cold hearted Token you truly are but you guys can come out craig handle cartman" the two small males crawled out from the hiding place as Butter stood cuddled in Tweeks arms still shaking with fear. "I saved your life and now you're trying to take Tweek away from me. I see how it is" Butters jumped slightly at the monotone voice that appeared quickly just as it appeared the warmth of his friend left quickly as he tended to Craigs small wounds. "Dont worry that bastard wont fuck with you for another week or so. What did you do this time though?" Butters looks down and lowly opens his arms as he reveals a few bundles of sandwiches. They all sighed at Butters and shook their heads "why are you stealing food? Aren't your parents giving you enough food?" Token's mother mode turned on and walked closer towards the small wolf inspecting him for any signs of starvation. Butters continued to look downwards as tears began to fill his eyes "da-dad kicked me out-out again I didn't have no-no where to stay or anywhere to get food. Kenny found me looking through cans for food and he offered to let me stay in his room while he was away. He even bought me some food but i don't think he told Eric I was staying there and that these were mine. See he put my name on them" he slowly began to shakily lift one of the bundles of sandwiches upwards to see a poorly written name across the wrapping."i'm so sorry for causing you all this much trouble" the blonde wolf sniffled loudly at his group of friends as they all walked together towards Tokens house as they all shifted back to their human forms before entering the streets. Tweek and Clyde talked to Butters as they tried to cheer the poor omega up as they continued to walk. Token turned to look at Craig. "So he's gonna stay at the pack house then or are we gonna have a small chat with his family again?" Craig's eyes glared at nothing imparticaler as they continued to walk down the streets. "We have enough room for him there and no not yet i'm sure they won't mind that he's gone anyways plus Tweek would love having another sub in the house."

South Park werewolf auWhere stories live. Discover now