Chapter 21

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Posted by Krrizis Ainushi | Oct 9, 2017 | Mob | 8 |

Chapter 21 -Why are we having this kind of discussion?... I guess it's too late to regret.

Editor: LadyBlue

QC: Kittsune

The vicinity is wrapped in silence. Meaning, it is the same kind of feeling as before, but this is obviously different. The air makes it so that I can't say a thing. I wonder what this is...this subtle air. It is clearly because of the man in front of me. When I looked up, I was asked the same question again.

「Who do you live for? For what do you live?」

If I don't answer this, he probably won't let go of my shoulders. This also makes me subtly feel a déjà vu. Recently, there's only been trouble. Ahh~ it would have been better if I just escaped without dealing with him.

「Isn't it obviously myself that I live for. Also, you don't need a reason to live. I do the things I want to do and live for myself. Isn't it normal?」

The man is surprised by my answer. What the hell are you surprised about? As expected, this man is weird! The hands grasping my shoulders also became stronger...this also intensely feels like déjà vu!?

「What is it you want to do? Is there hope? Is it money? Status?」

Really, what is with this person. I have no idea what he is trying to say, and I don't feel the need to answer him. Should I run away...did he read my thoughts, the hands grasping my shoulders suddenly became stronger. This is extremely bothersome!! But, this person somehow seems really desperate. So, it's like I can't seem to ignore him. Since I was absorbed with the men in black just then I just realized this... here is another ikemen. Besides his eyes were impressive, so I only looked at his eyes. Are ikemens normal in this world? Or is that all the guys I happen to meet are special.

Even when I walk through the street, the ikemen rates aren't that high so it's probably the latter. Keh. I'm not happy or anything even if I meet an ikemen!! It's only a demerit for someone average like me. Kii!

「What is it you want to do? Is there hope? Is it money? Status? Authority? Power to fight?」

He asked me again. Moreover it somehow increased. As expected, it's no good if I don't answer.

「I don't understand the meaning.... Well you can't live without money so I don't want it. But the amount I earn by myself is enough. In some way I will manage the money to live by myself. Was it status? Asking that to a commoner like myself won't understand it. It's the same with authority. Though I would be genuinely happy if someone recognises the work I do and my rank goes up. Power to fight? Ha, I already have it. If I have more power than I do now, I wouldn't wish to improve myself more or anything.」

「What is it you want to do? Is it to help others? Make money? To indulge in greed?」

I'm getting tired...seriously what is with him? What does this person want to hear. Is there any meaning in hearing?

「Haa.... helping others is ambiguous. If I'm safe and have the energy, then I guess I would help others, but basically I don't think I would do anything. If I get involved, well I'll think about it. Also, I can't say that I don't have any greed for making money or other desires. I think everyone has it, since we are living, it's natural to have it.

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