Chapter 5

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Posted by Krrizis Ainushi | Jan 23, 2017 | Mob | 31 |

Chapters are trickling slowly as I'm in the middle of finding a new editor and busy running around due to the upcoming CNY holiday.

To my fellow concern readers,

No, I will not be dropping Mob or Happy Life. My goal is to finish them by hook or by crook. Even if it takes a few years.

Please do, however, support me by turning ad blockers off or donating to my PayPal so I can buy more raws and sustain my website. Every small amount counts. Think of it as donating a cup of tea every month. It's small enough that it won't hurt your wallet too much.

For this chapter, I'll like to introduce my temp editor, PenWie. She has helped iron out some things in today's chapter.

Chapter 5 - What's this!? As expected, the slum quarters are bad luck!?

TL: Krrizis

Editors: PenWie & Karma

Once again, I was giving it my all at work today. Since the merchants were on break, I was hunting dangerous animals and demons on my own.

Today, I wore a largish robe with the hood pulled down over my eyes.

As one of the fantasy elements used by adventurers, it's exciting!! When I first wore the robe, I felt that using a sword didn't suit my image as a magic user. However, since the robe itself had a notch to hold my sword that was rather convenient and user-friendly.

The only negative was that pulling my hood down over my eyes narrowed my range of vision and was obstructive. Despite this nuisance, I pulled it down anyway because of Mooks-san's order.

When handling subjugation requests, it was a condition that I wear the hood at all times. In any case, I was told it was to conceal my face ... Do I really need to cover it up this much?

I thought I was ordinary, but am I actually ugly?! The thought was simply depressing. Was that really what it was? I didn't have the courage to ask, though.

It was just like me, but since today was the truly long-awaited subjugation request, my excitement for the hunt returned. Although I had left in the morning, it was already evening now.

I did make dinner preparations in advance, though, so, maa, it'll be fine, but ... am I a housewife?!! I futilely tsukkomi-ed* alone as I made my way home.

Even though I made preparations, it would probably better if I rushed home anyway. If I take too long to hurry back from the subjugation request, Mooks-san won't be happy. When I imagined that it may be because he's worried about me, it made me feel slightly happy.

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