Chapter 6

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Grace was running around the palace to find Jasmine, but couldn't find her

"JASMINE, JASMINE" Grace called but no answer

But then Abis Mal appeared in front of her and said "going somewhere?"

She turns around and Jafar was right in front of her and she ran the other way

Jafar used his magic to tied Grace's feet and hands up and a handkerchief to wrap her mouth, she fell to the ground and started squirming, Jafar went to her, cackled as he picked her up and carried her back to the dungeon

Then they got Jasmine, as Abis Mal locked her up, Jafar as Jasmine looked at her, turned back himself and said "oh, you should've seen the look on Aladdin's face when Princess Jasmine sentenced him to death"

"No" Jasmine gasped

"Oh yes and then I get my wish?" Abis Mal asked

"Yes and then you get your wish" Jafar annoyed

"Iago, I swear one day you will pay for this" Jasmine said

"I really think you're making too big a deal out if this" Iago said

"Hmm such spirit" Jafar said as he touched Jasmine's face then she tried to bite him "perhaps after a few days in chains, you'll be more kindly disposed towards me, especially if you want your father remain healthy. Ah Iago, you betrayed me and allied yourself with my enemies! Then you turned on them as soon at it was in your best interests. That's what I love about you. You're so perfectly predictable. A villain through and through!"

"Thank you, thank you" Iago said

Jafar turned into Jasmine in that disguise she wore when she was in the market place

"I'll tell your boyfriend goodbye for you, Princess" Jafar said in Jasmine's voice

"Oh, when I get the hold of you Jafar" Sultan said

"I'm so worried" Jafar mocked him in his regular voice and as he left, Iago flew to Genie

Jasmine said to Iago "how could you double cross Aladdin after all he's done for you?"

Abu chatters angrily

"Hey! Do I insult your mother?" Iago said

Abu stops and gives Iago a dirty look

Iago pecks at the clamps of the crystal ball holding the Genie, but his beak is bent out of shape. He straightens it and tries again

"What are you doing now?" Jasmine annoyed

"Oh, what does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to free the chump genie... so he can save your chump boyfriend" Iago said when hitting the Genie's prison with a piece of wood

Iago, lifted the ball, threw it down but it didn't break

"You have to lifted higher" Grace suggested

"Sure, no problem" Iago wheezing

He lifted the ball really high as he could, as he dropped it, Genie was finally free

"Bibbidi-bobbidi-BOO!" Genie said as he freed everyone out of the dungeon and appeared on top of the palace "ho-ho, and everybody's safe and sound"

"Aladdin!" Jasmine said, they hugged, Grace ran to him, he picked her, spun her around and hugged and Abu joined in

"Good to see you too, Abu" Aladdin said

"There's somebody else who wants to talk to you" Jasmine said

"Hello" Iago said nervously behind Jasmine

"You set me up!" Aladdin said as he puts Grace down and bend down to him "how could you show your face? You're nothing but a.."

"Aladdin, Iago rescued us" Jasmine said

"He didn't have to but he did" Grace said

"Rescued?! Him?!" Aladdin surprised

"Please note, did not have to, but did" Iago said "now we should be fleeing foe our lives, if you don't mind" as he was about to leave

"No, we have to stop Jafar" Aladdin said

"But how? He's so powerful" Grace said

"His lamp" Genie suggested "you destroy Jafar's lamp, you destroy Jafar"

"Then that's what we'll do" Aladdin and and Iago poked him

"Reality check, Jafar is large and in charge" Iago said

"Ah yes, there's no telling what Jafar will do to Agrabah" Sultan said "we have a responsibility"

"Maybe you do, but I don't" Iago said "I'm only responsible for me, myself and nobody"

"I've understand Iago, You've done enough" Aladdin said when everyone was on Carpet "and thanks" and they flew back to the palace to get Jafar's lamp

Grace's Adventure In The Return Of JafarHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin