Chapter 5

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The next day, Grace was roaming around the hallway when she heard Aladdin and Jasmine having a conversation

"I can't explained it Jasmine" Aladdin said "I think we can trust Iago"

"Well.... then I guess I can give him a chance" Jasmine said

They noticed Grace and Aladdin said "Grace, what are you doing?"

"Nothing actually" she said as she went up to them and Jasmine sets her on her lap

"So Grace, what do you think about Iago?" Aladdin asked

"Umm" Grace said "I don't know"

"C'mon, I bet you can give him a chance" Aladdin said as he slowly tickles her feet

"Aladdin" Grace giggled a bit and then they heard a door creaked

"Iago?" Aladdin said when they saw Iago at the doorway

"Uh... I was... I was just thinking, um... maybe it's time you patched things up with the Sultan. Uh, he might enjoy a nice, scenic carpet ride?" Iago suggested

"Hmm, that's a good idea" Jasmine agreed

"And I'll bring Genie. He was a big hit with the Sultan" Aladdin requested

"No! No, no! I mean... Genie, he's, he's, he's too flashy. He's too loud. Uh, you'd never get a word in" Iago explains

"Good point, Iago" Jasmine agreed and she addresses Aladdin "you need some quiet time with Father. Let him get to know you" and they got out of the sofa and was bout to leave

"Yeah. And I..." Iago sags guiltily "I can take you to the perfect spot"

"Great!" Aladdin said

"Come on, let's get Father. Just a minute" Jasmine said and she walks towards Iago "Iago, this isn't easy for me to say, but I was wrong about you"

She kisses Iago's head, pets him and went back to Aladdin and Grace

"Wait a second!" Iago said

"Yes, Iago?" Aladdin said

"Uh... I'll be along in a minute" Iago said and they left

A while later Grace was outside, watching Aladdin setting Carpet up with Iago on his shoulder while Jasmine was walking with her father, telling him to give him a chance, as they got closer Grace went to Jasmine

"After you, your highness" Aladdin said and Sultan on Carpet, they flew a little ad he was having a best time

"Alright Carpet, let's go" Aladdin said as she jumped on Carpet and they flew away

"Have a good time" Jasmine said as she and Grace waved at them

Genie was running up to Jasmine and Grace with Abu to catch Sultan and Aladdin "hey, clear the way, make room for the picnic boys!"

"They already left, Genie" Grace said

"Without us?" Genie said

"Without us?" Abu said

"No problem, I'll catch up in a flash" Genie said as he was about to

"Wait! Without me and Grace, too. Aladdin needs some time alone with Father to patch things up" Jasmine explains to them

"You know what this means, monkey boy?" Genie said to Abu "more food for us!"

They set up the picnic and stated eating the food like crazy

"I'm sorry, do you want some?" Genie asked

"I'm not hungry for now, Grace why don't you be with them while I go" Jasmine said as she left

"Okay Jasmine" Grace said

A while later, while Genie, Abu and Grace were having a picnic, millions of spiders came and Genie tried to get rid of them with gas, but the spiders came together and it made Jafar appeared

"Jafar!" Genie and Grace said together

"Sorry to spoil your picnic, guys" Jafar said "but I can't have any Genies mucking about ruining my plans"

"Don't worry, guys. He's a genie, and genies can't kill anyone" Genie said

Jafar's hands turn into dragons and spray fire all over Genie as Abu and Grace ran out of the way

"But you'd be surprised what you can live through" Genie wheezed

"You always were good for a laugh" Jafar laughed

"Oh yeah?" Genie said, throwing lightnings at him and it made him disappeared

Genie said when he thought he destroyed Jafar "hahahaha! Who's laughing now?"

"Hahahahaa!" Jafar reappears "why, I believe it's me"

Then they were in the dungeon, Genie was in a Genie proof ball and Abu was tied up on the wall

"That was invigorating and now with you, little girl" Jafar said as he was about to get Grace but he realized that she was not there, he thinks she must of ran off when Jafar and his new friend Abis Mal weren't paying attention

"I will get that brat" Jafar said to himself "come Abis Mal, we have other lives to ruin" and they left

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