<3 (1) Dinner Party

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I hear my boyfriend of five months sneaking up behind me. I smile as he places his head on my shoulder as though he were a parrot. "Whatcha up to?" He mumbles into my hair.

"I'm trying to patch up these pants." I say, not taking my eyes off of my sewing. I was never good at sewing, but I didn't want the one pair of pants that I own to be ruined after I fell through the floor when Casa Madrigal collapsed. I suddenly feel a sharp prick on my finger. I let out a small yelp and examine my index finger. A small drop of blood forms on my fingertip.

"What happened?" Camilo asks, crossing him legs as he sits down next to me.

"I poked myself the the needle." I say with a annoyed tone. I pull a small handkerchief out of my pocket and press it against my finger. "I hate sewing." I mutter, removing the handkerchief from my finger. I let out a sigh of relief to see the bloods stopped.

Camilo holds out his hand. "May I see?" He asks. I nod and place my hand in his own. He examines it for a moment, before bringing my hand close to his face and kissing my fingertip. "Better?"

I smile and giggle a little bit. "Yeah. Thanks Cam."

"No problem." Camilo says with a proud expression. He frowns when he sees me continue to struggle with the sewing needle. "Y'know, you could always ask Mirabel to patch those up for you. I'm sure she'd love to fix them."

I continue to fiddle with the needle. "When can she come over?"

"Well all of her supplies are at Casita so-"

I quickly cut him off. "Oh! I'm actually fine then. I can figure this out."

Camilo stares at me. "What's the matter? You loved coming over."

I drop my needle and thread in defeat. I knew it was no use trying to hide it from Camilo, he'd eventually pry it out of me anyways. I sigh. "I don't think your mom like me..."

Camilo looks a bit surprised. "What are you talking about señorita? Why would you ever think mami doesn't like you?"

"I think Pepa thinks I get you into trouble. Remember the roof incident?" I think back to the first day I met Camilo and we snuck onto the roof of Casita together. Pepa saw us and almost went ballistic. "Then my parents yelled at her and your dad after I got hurt when Casita fell. Pepa hasn't spoken to me once since that." I nervously laugh. "I don't think I've exactly made a good impression."

Camilo quickly pulls me into a hug. "Don't worry, (Yn). I know for a fact that my mom likes you."

I sigh. "How do you know?"

"Because I love you."

I sadly smile, not feeling completely convinced that Pepa likes me. Camilo notices this and looks a bit disappointed, but his face quickly lights up. "What about if we put together a dinner for the family so they can get to know you better? Trust me, food is the best way to get someone to like you."

I laugh. "Are you sure you're not just talking about what you like? Besides, do you remember the last Madrigal family dinner party I went to? It was a disaster."

"Well this time the miracle isn't dying so it'll be completely normal."

"Are you sure about this?"



"Plates, forks, cups..." I list off the items I had set on the table, making sure I hadn't forgotten anything. "Flowers! I should get the flowers." I snap my fingers and quickly run into the kitchen where I left a bouquet of flowers to put on the table. They didn't hold a candle to Isabela's roses, but they would do.

"Hey (Yn)?" I look over to see Camilo nervously eying the beef he was frying for the bandeja paisa. "Is it supposed to be this dark?"

The meat was turning a dark shade of black, and the smell of burnt food filled my nostrils. "How did it get this burnt?!" I ask in horror.

"Well I looked away for a second to cut the avocado and then when I turned back around it was black!"

"Yikes! I don't think we have time to cook more meat..." I worriedly shake my head. "I guess we'll just have to make the bandeja paisa without beef. Is everything else ready?"

"Yup. I just need to finish cutting the avocado and then I'll be ready."

I kiss him on the cheek before filling up a pitcher with water and carefully placing each individual flower inside. "I'm going to set these on the table." I call out while looking over my shoulder. "I'll be back in a moment to help with the finishing touches." I suddenly run right into someone. The flowers fly out of my hands, as water from the vase splashes onto whoever I bumped into. I gasp in horror as the pitcher falls to the floor, smashing into small pieces.  "I'm so so so sorry," I say, already kneeling on the floor picking up bits of glass. I suddenly hear thunder rumbling.

Oh no...

I look up and see Pepa, who is glaring down at me as a thundercloud hangs over her head. She sighs and takes deep breaths. "Clear skies, clear skies..."

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry. It was an accident I swear." I begin panicking. This was the last thing I wanted to happen. Now I just have Camilo's mom one more reason to dislike me. As I dismiss picking up the glass, I avoid Pepa's gaze and dart out of the room.

I sit on the front steps of Casita, staring at the broken pieces of pottery in my hands. I sigh. I hear Casita opening and closing the front door. "Not now, Casita."

"Not Casita. Just me."

I look over my shoulder and see Pepa standing behind me with a small smile on her face. "May I join you?"

I nod and Pepa sits down beside me. "Are you alright, cariño?" She gently asks.

"Yeah." I sigh. "I just wish this dinner went right. I wanted to show you that I'm a good fit for Camilo."

"I know." She says with a nod.

"You do?!"

"Camilo told me." Pepa places her hand on my shoulder. "He cares about you a lot, (Yn)."

I smile and look away. Even after being together so long, Camilo was still able to make butterflies appear in my stomach.

"I know I may have come off as cold before, but I want you to know that it isn't because of anything you did." Pepa sighs. "I just wanted to be sure that Camilo found a good person. I'll admit it, I'm a protective of my babies."

I look at Pepa hopefully. "So you don't hate me?"

"Of course I don't. You're one of the good ones, (Yn)." She winks at me. "I like you."

My face lights up. "You do? Oh, Thankyou Pepa!!" I exclaim, wrapping my arms around her.

Pepa hugs me back as we embrace. We quickly part as we hear loud cheering above us.
Pepa and I look at each other before standing up and running off the porch to find the source of the noise.

We look up, and standing on top of the roof was Camilo, who was jumping up and down cheering. "YES! I KNEW YOU GUYS WOULD GET ALONG!!" Camilo calls down to us. "AM I A GENIUS, OR WHAT?!"

Pepa's face falls as she sees her son on the roof. A storm cloud begins thundering above her head. "CAMILO MADRIGAL YOU GET YOUR BUTT DOWN FROM THAT ROOF THIS INSTANT!!!"

"I'll be fine Mami!" He yells.

I try to hold in a laugh as I see Pepa taking off one of her sandals and waving it in the air. "DON'T MAKE ME USE THIS!!"

Camilo's eyes widen in fear. "Okay, okay, I'm coming down!"

Mi Amor (CamiloxReader Oneshots!)Where stories live. Discover now