Shinichiro Sano x Reader

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"Ugghh" Shinichiro moaned as he sat at his couch. You laughed at the sight you were seeing, you sit beside him as you started to massage his shoulders making him more relaxed.

"Hmm.. Thank you Y/n" He thanked you for your actions but stopped when he spoke making him confused and question you. "Why'd you stop?" He asked you but you made a giggle.

"It's a good thing you don't have your head around that anymore" You were glad that he was not gloomy now, Shinichiro was once again confused until he finally figured out what you were talking about.

"Oh.. You mean that girl who just rejected me.." And there he goes, he's a sad boi now.

You laughed your ass of as he started to tear up a little. "I'm... So *laughs* I'm so sorry Shin..." You stopped immediately after you spoke as when Shinichiro furrowed his brows.

 "Look.. Shin, you're a great man and I don't know why those girls reject you! Oh wait I think I know why" You said to enlighten him, "Really? I'm a great man? And what do you think why girls reject me?" He asked.

You tried to hide your laugh resulting into a giggle, you pointed your index finger at his terribly made hair "That" You said making him confused as hell "What do you mean? My hair is like.. The Best!" He said as he admires his 'beautiful' hair. 

Seeing him like that make you laughed so hard at the lie he was telling , Shinichiro was so embarrassed to the point he punch your arm lightly.

You heard him sigh and positioned himself to lay in the couch with his head on your lap "Man.. I'm so hopeless in love" You started to play with his locks as you chuckle at him "I know right? I helped you in every girls you liked but still rejected you" You laugh.

"Yeah.." He said in a low tone, pointing out that he's down. "You know what? How about I treat you? Hm? How you like that? I'm pretty sure you'll be smiling again" You spoke your idea but he still seems down.

Shinichiro sat up from your lap then sighed. "It's okay Y/n.. I'm already smiling " Well he is smiling now "Well that's great!" You pat his back as you see him smiling and laughing.

"Yeah, It's because you're here" He place his hand over yours, you were shocked. Is he making a move or something?

"I realized something Y/n.."  He caress your hand with his thumb. You were once again confused. What does he mean by that?

"Maybe the reason why the Universe won't allow me to have a lover is because.. We were meant to be" He said looking at your beautiful orbs while caressing your hand.

"Shin is this your cheeky way to say you like me?" You laughed at his way for the silent atmosphere. He didn't react but instead stare at your orbs.

"What do you mean? I don't like you.."


"Because I love you.."

The End


This shit was ass.

That's the ending bc I can't think of anything.

I'm running out of Ideas, plls request.

Sorry if this was short as his life

Thank you for reading.

𝓣𝓸𝓴𝔂𝓸 𝓡𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓻𝓼  𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin