Code Red

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Hey, Ned? Code Red!
I repeat, CODE RED!!!

WTH?! How the fuck did you get this number?!!

What the fuck do you mean, hOw ThE fUcK dId YoU gEt ThIs NuMbEr?
Now come on, Ned, stop fucking around and call him. He's not answering his goddamn phone and I'm bleeding out!

Look, dude. I don't know who the fuck you are, but you got the wrong number.
Wait...wth do you mean you're bleeding out? What happened?

Peter🕷're not Ned?
Got it. Um...I got stabbed and I'm trying to contact someone who is supposed to help me and he is not answering his phone. Do you know how to fix this cause it's really deep and it hurts like hell?

Then why not go to the hospital 🙄

Well, I can't afford the medical bills. So I have someone to help me when I have situations like this, which surprisingly happens a lot more than I like.

Now can you help me?

Unknown's POV

'Should I help them? I mean sure it can help me finally become a good person. But I don't even know this person. What if it's a trap from Odin to try and catch me and lock me away for all that destruction and pain I've cost. Or maybe it's a murder or pedophile.'  I debated in my head as I sat in my darkroom.

I didn't expect someone to text me this late, or anyone to text me at all, I don't talk to anyone. I barely even speak to my "brother". I got up from my bed to head to one of the many books on my shelf to help this idiot.

Once I found the book, I flipped through it using my magic. I wasn't going to waste my time finding it on my own because I couldn't care less about this person.

Okay! Fine, I care! I don't want them to bleed out for Odin's sake! You have to be a true monster to allow such a horrid thing!

Anyways, once I found the page I began to read as fast as possible.

"Got it!" I gasped for the air I didn't know I was holding. Rushing to my bed I flopped on the mattress and quickly grabbed my phone to text the unknown number back.

Loki 🐍
Okay, do what you have to do is...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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