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Hi my name is Bubbly_scorpio and I am proud to introduce to you "Frozen Heart, Warm Love" a Teen Loki x Peter story. This is my first story ngl so this is just my practice for future stories.

Here are some Trigger Warnings before reading this fanfic:

- there would be abuse in this story [Trigger Warning - for those who are going through or were in an abusive situation between family, friends, and/or relationships, you are strong, amazing, and enough. There is no reason they should do something to the beautiful soul in front of this screen. I wish I could do more, but right now I want you to know that you are loved, you are cared for, and you are special. And while you are reading this story, I would do my best to keep reminding you that. As this story grows you would have a new family, "The Wattpad Family". A nice, safe environment where you can relax and enjoy your reading (depending on how this story would go). I love you and hope you safety, loving, and caring someday and some time. I can't give you a proper time, but I feel that it would happen. 💕💗 ]

- LGTBQIA+ (there shouldn't be a warning for this because as a member of said community, I want everyone to love who they love and be happy and spread joy to everyone. But since there are still assholes out there who STILL don't know basic human rights, I have to put this up. If you are triggered by the LGBTQIA+ I beg you not to read past this page because that is the whole story [like why would you even click the damn story if you don't like us 🙄, but anyways 💅🏾]. For those who are triggered because of sexual assault, harassment, and other violent activities some "members" of the LGBTQIA+ have disrespected you and your boundaries. I hope that would never happen again. Those monsters are not a part of this community because the last time I check the LGBTQIA+ community is about living who you are and loving others, and they do not follow said rules. I know I can't take their LGBTQIA+ membership from them but if I could those sons of bitches would be cast away like a mf demon. I love you and I hope that one day a proper member would help redeem or repute on to you and we can all finally live in peace together as one. 💗

-there are more, but this is not a planned story more like the "whatever comes in my mind, I'll write down" type of story so when I keep writing I would make sure to put a trigger warning on top.

That is all I have for this story. I should probably get to writing. Love, kisses, and hugs to all of my beautiful/handsome readers. Hope you have a blessed and safe day 💗💗💗💗💗

- From yours truly, Bubbly_scorpio

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