Melli's Jealousy

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"Oh look, it's the Galaxy grunt. Here to challenge Electrode, are you?"

You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose at the usual greeting from Melli,

"Firstly, I'm not a grunt. Secondly, yes please if you wouldn't mind."

"Go ahead. But I'll have you know Electrode is practically brimming with power today," he scoffs, "So try not to get zapped. We wouldn't want the great hero of Hisui getting hurt now, would we?"

"Thanks for the warning," you say sarcastically, making your way past Melli towards the arena, shaking your head slightly. It's safe to say Melli's never been your biggest fan, but things have become exponentially worse since you started dating Adaman. It's no secret that Melli has a crush on the clan leader, showing up whenever he's around, always attempting to flirt with him, and trying to shut down any other shows of interest in him. Of course, when you came about and it was painfully obvious, to everyone except you apparently, that Adaman had feelings for you, let's just say Melli didn't take it too well. He'd tried to sabotage your mission to help Electrode, despite being its warden, and he'd proven to be a source of constant annoyance during your first time in the Coronet Highlands when you'd been trying to help Ingo, a fellow faller and a Pearl Clan warden, regain some of his memories. He'd also said something about wishing a random teenager had fallen from the space-time rift instead of "some grunt that sadly has to be the same age as Adaman" or something along those lines. Even back then, Adaman had promptly shut him down, defending you over and over again until Melli finally backed down and agreed to help, although you have no doubt this was purely to appease Adaman and not to actually help you.

Fast forward a few months, a couple of world-saving fights and a battle with Arceus later, Adaman finally confessed, and you've been dating ever since. It's been truly perfect except for, well, Melli. He's constantly trying to disrupt your relationship, interrupting dates and making snide comments whenever he sees the two of you together. He tries to tell Adaman that you're not good enough for him, and that he could do way better; as someone who's quite insecure at the best of times this stings, especially at first, but Adaman is always there with soft, loving kisses and constant reminders of how amazing you are to reassure you, and over time you've felt your insecurities diminish considerably thanks to his unwavering love and support. You and Adaman have been together nearly a year now, so you're comfortable in the knowledge that Melli's comments aren't going to disrupt anything, and you know they're coming from a place of jealousy and insecurity on his part, nothing more, so you've learned to ignore them. Mostly, anyway, although there are some days, especially when Adaman isn't with you, like today, that you struggle to keep your patience. The only reason you don't lose it at Melli is for Adaman's sake, as you know getting into an argument with one of his wardens, no matter how obnoxious this particular warden is, would cause him all sorts of problems, and you don't want that. Plus you quite enjoy rising above things and being able to take the moral high ground in this situation, so to a certain extent you just let Melli get on with it. You take a deep breath as you enter the arena, knowing full well that you need this bit of stress relief today but also feeling slightly sorry for Electrode as you know there's no way it's going to stand a chance against you when you're in this mood. As it drops from the usual tree, following its group of Voltorb, you smile slightly to yourself as adrenaline takes over from your annoyance and you look forward to the battle ahead.

As you'd expected, you win easily, much to the annoyance of Melli, who's immediately onto you as you come out to the arena's entrance,

"Electrode was clearly going easy on you, Galaxy grunt," he sneers, his nose clearly put out of joint by how easily you bested the noble Pokémon.

"I'll let you think that," you smirk, trying to keep things civil, and you even continue in an attempt to be nice, "But thanks again for letting me try my skills, I'm sure I'll be back again soon."

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