Part Five: A Big Decision

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Authors notes: Heyo. I'm at lunch now and I'm super tired. I didn't pay attention to my math class at all XD. It's fiiiiiine. Anyways enjoy the next part of Building Back Up Again! 

Tw: Bleeding, broken bones, coughing up blood, yelling, manipulation. 

     Robyn strolled down the street just leaving her job at the good ol' family owned diner, which the owner had been good friends with her mother, getting her a job in the process. Her shift had been tiring after dealing with a Karen, burning herself on the grill, and tripping on her shoelace spilling water all over herself plus the floor. She had gotten alerts on her phone about crime activity nearby, and she could've sworn she saw a Hero but they vanished before she could blink. She leaned back against the wind, hoodie over her head. She felt the breeze caress her curls. Just like that night, she was just trying to get where she was going when there was a commotion. She turned down the street and in an alley a vigilante was being beaten by a man. A horrified civilian stood behind them, watching the poor guy get his ass beat. Suddenly the man raised his gun. The shiny black pistol glistened in the moonlight. "I told you this wasn't pretend kid! You aren't an adult. You're just a pathetic child playing dress up, pretending to be something you aren't." He spat. "A Hero." The man was about to fire but Robyn's mouth moved quicker than her brain could register. She shoved the man away and shouted "STOP! Drop the weapon!"

The words washed over the man, drowning him, making him obey. He dropped the gun and it clattered on the asphalt. He stared at the silhouette in disbelief. How in the world did they use his own power against him?! There was no way they could have the exact same power! They walked closer and stood in front of the vigilante. "If you have an issue here, take it up with me. They're beaten so badly they can't even move! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" and again, the words commanded him to leave and find someone his exact size to pick on.


Jack was unable to move. His eyes hurt, his nose and mouth were filled with a copper taste and smell. He could barely see. His vision was blurred, and his hearing was muffled, as if cotton was shoved into his fluffy ears. The thug he had taken on was trying to mug an innocent man. Jack thought he could handle it but he was proved wrong when he was told to stop attacking him. The man had some sort of commanding power. Whatever he said was an order, Jack had no choice but to obey. He ended up getting pinned to the ground after trying to kick him. Hit after hit he was struggling to stay awake. "I told you this wasn't pretend kid! You aren't an adult. You're just a pathetic child playing dress up, pretending to be something you aren't." His words stung, and when he looked up for a moment he saw a familiar face. " You're not A Hero." his father's words echoed in his mind. The man stopped beating him and pulled out a gun. This was it. His time had come, he had a good run but he hoped Liv would understand- Then A familiar voice cut through the air with a sharp inflection. "STOP! Drop the weapon!" A silhouette cut through the lamp light and shoved the man away. The man obeyed without hesitation. The gun clattered to the floor, and a silhouette of a girl stepped out in front of him. "If you have an issue here, take it up with me. They're beaten so badly they can't move! Why don't you pick on someone your own size!" and again, the words commanded him to obey. The man left the alley, searching to bother someone else. The silhouette turned towards Jack."Jesus...You need medical attention immediately. You probably have a broken nose...and a slight concussion..." Jack coughed up a large amount of blood onto the gravel of the alleyway proving the strangers point. "Maybe some broken ribs too...." They pulled him gently to his feet. "What's your name?" they asked. "Ja- Lupus. My name is Lupus." His fluffy ears swiveled trying to remind himself he wasn't at school. He was a vigilante right now. He was wearing a mask, with cargo pants. Not his regular school attire. "Well Lupus, we better get you to a hospital." "NO!" he cried. "I mean...No. I'll be arrested." His ears twitched nervously. The new ally seemed to notice. "Well, I can't help you. I have some medical knowledge, because my mom is a nurse but I don't know how bad the damage is." Jack sighed this is not good. Then behind them someone spoke up. "I-I think I'll be running along now- Thank you Miss." The girl turned, "No problem." she replied. If Jack's head wasn't pounding and his vision wasn't blurry he would've noticed that the girl was one of his friends.

As they walked down the street, another vigilante had spotted them. She jumped from her post running towards Lupus. "Oh my gosh! What happened?! Lupus!" Aura grabbed his face to check his injuries. "You were supposed to go to your post not get in a fight!" If Aura was paying attention, she would realize that one of the newest members of the group was holding her best friend.


Lupus turned with his arms around the shoulders of Robyn. "L- Aura-" Lupus tripped over his words. ["Laura"? As a vigilante name is kind of weird. Maybe she didn't try to hide her identity? ] Robyn thought.  "Oh...Lupus you look awful! What did you do?!" "Laura" continued to check his face, wiping the blood away. "I was trying to stop a jerk from mugging someone and he was a lot bigger than me. He kicked my ass." Lupus slightly slurred. "If it weren't for her I probably wouldn't be alive anymore." "Laura" turned towards Robyn. "Thank you. I can take him." So Robyn handed the vigilante over to "Laura" and continued walking home. Deciding to give the old mask a test run. 

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