Cornelia Street // A Na Jaemin x Reader Fanfic

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You are in the middle of the night with your friends. To be specific, you are currently on a bar with lots of people who are having the best time of their lives.

If the people inside are dancing and drinking, you're doing the opposite of it. You are just sitting at the counter, staring at the sea of people who were already drowned with too much alcohol.

Actually, it wasn't your idea to come here in the first place.

You prefer to stay at your home, watching your comfort movies or reading the books in your shelves. Or if you don't have the motivation to work on with your hobbies, you'll just sleep until the sun comes up.

Eventually, you realized that coming here was a bad thing.

For a moment, you wanted to get out of this place but you were immobilized when you someone occupied the vacant beside you.

There are so many vacant seats here inside the bar so you were surprised.

Not long after, you observed the man beside you but you didn't made it very clear that you are observing him.

But when you heard his baritone voice, you couldn't help but to swallow a lump of saliva in your throat.

"Staring is rude, miss."

You couldn't speak. Actually, you were too stunned to speak because you felt like that voice was so familiar that your heart began to skip.

In the corner of your eye, you saw him smirk. "It seems like that you don't like this place, isn't it?"

You don't know what pushed you to reply to a stranger. "Yes, I do."

You saw the stranger nodding, while he playing with the champagne glass.

Not long after, he put the glass in the countertop and looked at you witha. wide smile in his face. "Actually, I also don't like it here."

You remained silent because you don't know what to reply.

"Hey, miss." He called you and then, you were surprised when he's a few centimeters away from you. It's as if the whole world stopped when you finally saw his face. You were always right since the moment you laid your eyes on him.

Like how couldn't you recognize the man that you've admired for quite a long time?

How couldn't you tell at first glance that it's him? How couldn't you recognize Na Jaemin?

You were so drowned by your sea of thought that Jaemin snapped a finger in front of your face to bring back you to reality.

"Since this place is boring, do you want to get out of here?" He asked, grinning.

How couldn't you resist him? Whenever you see him smile, it's as if you were hypnotized so you don't have any choice but to say yes to him.

In the end, you couldn't reply but you nodded at him.

You were surprised when he hold your hand. You looked at him and he was grinning from ear to ear. "Then, follow me."

For a second, you thought that everything is just a dream.

Even though it's highly unlikely to meet the man that you only see in the screen in real life, you couldn't process it clearly that he's holding your hand while running away, as if the both of you commited a horrenous crime like Bonnie and Clyde.

In the middle of the night where the city never sleeps, you found yourself, gasping for air in the corner of the street.

"Are you okay?" He asked, worried.

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