Even in winter, Madam Li couldn't rest, and she did washing work for several years. In order to support her daughter, Madam Li's health became worse and worse.

By the time Madam Li was aware of it, it was already too late. Jieun went around looking for doctors to treat Madam Li, but none of the doctors were able to cure her. Not willing to give up, she brought Madam Li to the capital to seek treatment.

There were many experts in capital. There might be a doctor in the capital who could cure her mother's illness.

They had been living frugally all the way to the capital, but they met Jeon Jungkook before they could find a famous doctor.

Only after Jieun described Jeon Jungkook's appearance to Madam Li did she follow her to check it. After taking a look, she was stunned.

Jeon Jungkook's gaze swept over them. He didn't recognize them at first, but when Jieun called him cousin, he recalled.

His expression was stunned and he did not say anything for a long time.

The steward was unable to figure out his attitude, so he turned his head to instruct the servants, "What are you waiting for?"

"Get rid of this mother and this daughter!"

Jieun staggered a few steps after being pushed. She reached out her hand to grab the corner of Jeon Jungkook's clothes. "Cousin, don't you know me?"

"I'm Ah Jieun!"

She did not know why he had become the sixth prince. She only knew that she was his cousin, no matter how many years had passed.

On the other side, Madam Li was caught off guard and was pushed to the ground, her body knocking against the stone steps. Her body was already in a bad condition, and after this collision, she lied on the ground and didn't get up for quite a while.

Jieun hurriedly went up to support her and nervously called out "Mother!" several times.

Madam Li bent over and coughed a few times. She, who was only in her thirties, looked like a terminally ill old woman. The corners of her eyes were covered with fine lines.

She looked at Jeon Jungkook, opened her mouth, and exclaimed with mixed feelings, "Kookie..."

Then, she tilted her head and fainted in Jieun's arms.

When the servant maids served ginger jujube and sugar water, Xie Lisa was sitting on the side of the bed, touching her stomach thoughtfully.

As for the biddy's words, she felt very magical, bleeding can make her give birth to a child?

She didn't understand these things, and it wasn't good for biddy to explain it to her in detail. After all, there was a difference in status, so she had to find an opportunity to ask her mother.

She drank the brown sugar water and lay for a while, feeling better.

The main courtyard was called Zhanyue Court. Because it was the first courtyard in the backyard, any movement from outside could be heard from this side.

She lay in bed, drowsy, but the outside was in a mess.

Jeon Jungkook had Madam Li sent to Pavilion Changqing in the back of Zhanyue Court and asked the doctor to diagnose her.

The steward hurriedly gave the order. Before long, a servant invited an old doctor.

After the doctor had diagnosed Madam Li, he said seriously, "Her body is cold and her heart and lungs are failing. It is because she have been working hard all year round, and it is not possible to recuperate in a short time."

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