"Don't worry Odell, it's not revealing at all. Shark said.

"Oh okay..well yeah I'll stick around." Odell nodded.

The dancers started to walk pass us and they glared at me the whole time, especially Veronica. I shrugged them off and took the outfit off my chair and went inside one of the trailers. After getting dressed in my outfit I looked in the mirror and took a deep breath.. I let my hair out the ponytail and let out a sigh. I pulled my phone out and scrolled down to Jarvis's name.

Jar: Wassup babysis?

Me: Jarvis...I'm about to do a video shoot with Chris Brown and I'm so nervous!!

Jar: You'll be fine dani, just dance ya ass off...none of that twerking shit!, that outfit better not have any skin showing, and I don't want Chris all up on you

Me: okay ...I'm take it that you're telling me good luck.

Jar: Yeah pretty much, just have fun with it

Me: Alright Jarvis...I love you big head.

Jar: I love you too ugly

We both laughed and hung up our phones, me and Jarvis May not talk 24/7 but when we do most of our conversations are short. We don't really think it's a bad thing I love my brother and he knows I love him, and that's all that matters to us. I walked out the trailer and went to the set. Chris, Odell and Shark were all talking.

"Finally you're ready." Odell joked.

"Husshh...You ready Chris?" I asked him and he nodded.

We both walked over to the set and got in our positions.

Odell POV.

Hailey walked up and sat on my lap as Derek yelled action. Drunk Texting started playing and I instantly getting jealous!!! The first move was him being all up on her....well maybe he wasn't all up on her but they was atleast a couple inches away from eachother. This was my first time actually seeing Danielle dance and I was really surprised! I never knew she could dance like that. I watched her body roll and rock and her hips move...yeah, I could get used to seeing my baby dance like this. When the music stopped everybody clapped and cheered, I don't know why she was so nervous because she did great.

"Baby you did great!" I hugged her.

"Thanks babe" She smile and kissed me.

"You did so good! I told you it was no need to be nervous." Kayla smiled at her.

"Since you did so good, you win a trip to Chic-Fil-A with us! ...but you gotta pay because I have no money." Hailey gave her an innocent smile.

"Okay , I'm gonna get changed and then we can go." Danielle said.

Once Danielle was dressed we went to chic-fil-a and headed home, my phone started ringing in my pocket. I looked at the screen and saw De'Angelo pop up.

Me: Hello ..


Me:She's right here, chill out !

Angel:Well I haven't spoke to my her in almost 2 weeks!! Tell her to call me ASAP !

Me:Okay De'Angelo..

I hung up the phone and sighed, De'Angelo was okay at times and he was cool as hell but at the same time he was annoying as fuck! Always yelling, and being rude. Honestly I never understood how Dani became so close with him! They are nothing alike. Hailey fell asleep on the way home so I carried her inside to bed, she needed a nap anyway. After laying her in bed I was heading out the room andshut the door. I walked to our room and saw Kayla and Dani both laying on the bed talking.

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