As the receptionist showed Jungkook into the office, Min Yoongi rose from the seat behind his desk and extended a hand.

“Jungkook, lovely to see you. How’s Haru doing?”

“Great, thanks. Growing like a wild weed,” Jungkook said and smiled in response, “And Ahmy? How is she?”

“The same,” Yoongi laughed, “Sometimes I regret that I decided to come back to work, but I know staying home with him full-time would drive me crazy. Splitting the days at home versus in the office between my husband and me has been working out wonderfully. This way, we have the best of both worlds.”

Yoongi’s husband, the other half of Jung and Min, shared child care duties, Jungkook envied them for their sense of unity.

While Eun-woo had looked forward to being a father, he’d made it clear that he wouldn’t be hands-on until their baby was old enough to talk.

He’d wondered if he might change his opinion once Haru was born, but on consideration, he'd rejected the thought.

Older than him by ten years, Eun-woo had been so set in his ways he’d barely coped with the change in routine caused by marriage and sharing decision-making relating to the business.

When it came to their child, he probably would have done exactly as he’d said.

Yoongi gestured to Jungkook to take a seat and settled back behind his desk, “Tell me, what brings you here? I have to admit I was a bit curious. Don’t you use the Cha family lawyers?”

Jungkook felt his gut clench and he forced himself to relax and breathe evenly, “Yes, we do. For the inn, but this is more... Personal.”

He briefly outlined the situation, thankful that Yoongi was already aware of the circumstances relating to Haru’s conception.

“The clinic is admitting liability?” Yoongi asked when Jungkook finished speaking.

“I’m not sure, but I understand they’ve been closed down,” Jungkook reached into his bag, “This is the letter I was sent.”
Yoongi took it and sat back, reading it carefully, “Seems a reasonable enough request,” he commented, giving Jungkook a piercing look.

“Eun-woo is Haru’s father,” He has to be, Jungkook amended silently.

“Let’s prove it then. If it turns out that this Party A is Haru’s father, I imagine you will want to know ahead of time exactly where you and everything stand, right?”

“Yes,” Jungkook exhaled on a breath before drawing in a new one, “And about payment-”

“Let’s not worry about that unless it looks as if we have to go to court on any of this, okay?”

Tears sprang to Jungkook’s eyes, “Are you sure, Yoongi?”

“I’m sure. I know you’ve had it tough,” Yoongi said empathetically, “We’re friends, right? Custody issues are not my speciality, but I will do more research for you. It might take me a while to get around to it because I have a rather full few days ahead, but I’ll do what I can and call you, okay?”

“Thank you Eun-woo so much.”

“Now, let’s make sure we have all our details right,” Yoongi said, reaching for a pen and starting to make notes.

Jungkook answered Yoongi’s questions as best he could even though the prospect of having to share custody with Haru terrified him.

Rationally, he knew that if Eun-woo wasn’t his baby’s father that Haru’s biological father should have some right to his son’s life.

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