Chapter 1

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"Hehe, I sure gave those thugs a good beating, didn't I, Wasp?"

"Oh please Ant, I had to carry your sorry butt because you were busy cracking jokes the whole time."

"Hey, don't underestimate the power of humor throughout a fight. My amazing puns sure must've distracted those criminals for you. You're welcome."

"Oh sure, thank you SO much, Ant, my hero."

"Well, you know me, no matter where I go, I'm always the biggest hero... around..."

"The 'biggest' hero? Isn't that funny coming from you?"

"Wasp, you might want to see this."

"Huh? ...Oh sweet lord..."

What Ant-Man and Wasp happened to see in the distance was nothing short of unbelievable; their fellow superhero and friend Spider-Gwen stood as tall as skyscrapers, having grown gigantic while walking through the city with seemingly little concern for the people and buildings around her. Ant-Man and Wasp couldn't tear their eyes away from the horrible sight even if they wanted to.

"How... how did this happen? Do you think she somehow got hold of our gadgets, Ant... Ant?"


"Is there something funny about all this?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry Wasp. It's just that... man, you really couldn't tell just by looking at her that she is only a kid. I mean, just look at her- OW!"

"And what are you ogling her for?"

"N-nothing! You know that you are my one and only, Wasp."

"If you keep going on like that, I'll crush you under my fat ass, playboy."

"...So you do recognize that her ass is mass- OW!"

"Anyway, move it pervert, we got work to do."

"You really should learn to take a joke, you know that?"

The two then quickly made their way over to the giant spider girl, in hopes of figuring out what was going on. As they got closer to her, Ant-Man's perverted thoughts became harder for him to ignore, but could you blame him? Gwen's curves seemed to have grown alongside her massive size, breasts, and butt especially having grown rounder and bigger. But before Ant could admire their immense beauty any further up close, the third smack across his face pulled him back to the matter at hand. Even without having to read his mind, Wasp knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Hey, Gwen! Over here!" Ant-Man shouted.

"Huh? Who's that?" Gwen said, as she finally stopped in her tracks to look for who was talking to her.

"In front of you!" Ant-Man said as he and Wasp flew up to her face, waving at her.

"AH!" Gwen said as she reflexively clapped her hands together to almost crush them like flies. They managed to dodge in the nick of time, but the shockwave it caused still made them disoriented.

"Woah! Easy there, Hun, it's just us!" Wasp assured her.

"Huh? Ant-Man and Wasp? What are you two doing here?"

"Never mind that, what are you doing here? How did you grow this huge?"

"Don't look at me, you got another spider to thank for this" Gwen answered spitefully.

"Huh? Morales?"

"YES! Miles! He did this to me! That good-for-nothing insect! I'm going to CRUSH him when I find him!"

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 10, 2023 ⏰

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