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ACT ONE, chapter ix.

     Mars had never been particularly afraid of the dark. But sitting in that boarded-up bus in the pitch-black silence... he was definitely unsettled. Everyone dealt with fear in their own way. 

Lucas continuously stuck his head out of the top hatch, surveying for Dart. Dustin paced back and forth in the bus, feeling restless. Steve flicked the lid of his lighter back and forth, hearing it click over and over.

And Max and Mars just watched him.

"So..." Max started, half of her face illuminated by the moonlight, "you really fought one of these things before?"

Steve flicked back the lighter, letting the flame sit, before nodding slowly.

"And you're, like, totally one-hundred percent sure it wasn't a bear?" she asked. Mars cracked a smile, but Dustin didn't seem so amused.

"Shit. Don't be an idiot. Okay?" Dustin snapped. "It wasn't a bear." Everyone's eyes moved to him in shock. "Why are you even here if you don't believe us? Just go home." Max stared silently with a look of disbelief, before shaking her head and standing.

"Geez. Someone's cranky. Past your bedtime?" Max asked sarcastically, making her way up the ladder. When she'd officially disappeared, Mars frowned at Dustin.

"Harsh, Dustin," Mars shook his head.

"No, no," Steve nodded. "That's good. Just show her you don't care."

"I don't," Dustin said softly. Steve winked at him, his eye illuminated by the moon. "Why are you winking, Steve?"

"Are you seriously winking at that?" Mars asked in disbelief.

"Stop," Dustin deadpanned.

"Alright," Mars stood with a sigh. "You two idiots wanna learn how to be mean and make girls hate you, fine by me." He made his way toward the ladder as well, but Steve seized his wrist with a frown.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down, McKay, I'm kidding! Sit down!" Steve said. Mars knew he most definitely wasn't kidding, but sat anyways with a sigh, slightly further from Steve than he was before. "C'mon, McKay, don't be mad at me," Steve prodded him with his finger, watching as Mars struggled back a smile. "I'm far too sweet and lovable to hate."

"You're an asshole more like," Mars swatted the boy's hand away. Steve retaliated, slapping Mars's good hand. As always, this devolved into a game of slapsies. 

Dustin stood observing with a look of utter confusion, "You guys are so weird."

"Hey, I'm still mad at you," Mars stopped slapping Steve to point at the boy.

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