To chase or not to chase, that is the question

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Tom never seemed to catch a break

That morning he had woken up in an unusually good mood, and he had even found himself smiling at his neighbors, which is the opposite of what he normally does. His morning had gotten even better when he received a very important phone call. It was the theatre, calling to tell him that he'd gotten a role. And most importantly, that he'd gotten one of the leads! He was beyond ecstatic of course, and happily headed to the theatre that afternoon, where the director had called a cast meeting.

The director was a stubby, porcupine hybrid, who wore big circular glasses. According to himself, he was a big Broadway producer, who had been a part of dozens of productions, and was well respected within the community. What he was doing in a small theatre like this one, Tom would never know. But what he did know, is that he needed to do his best to make a good first impression. A connection like this was sure to do wonders for his career. He introduced himself, which only went semi-decently, since the director seemed to be a bigger grump that he was. But nonetheless, Tom was determined to win him over.

The director calls for everyone's attention, and asks them to take their seats. Tom decides to take a seat in the middle of the front row, not wanting to miss a single thing, and the rest of the cast piles in around him, filling up the first few rows. As someone passes by behind him, they bump into the person sitting there

"Oh, Sorry"

"No don't worry about it"

Tom freezes

Wait a minute, he recognizes that voice. He slowly turns his head, almost scared to look behind him. And as he sees who's sitting there, he realizes he was right to be scared. His smile immediately falls as he makes direct eye contact with Jerry Mouse. There's a moment of recognition as Jerry starts to smirk but Tom quickly turns his head back towards the stage.

Out of all the things that could've ruined his day, it had to be Jerry.

How did he even get in here? Was he a part of the play? He had to be. Tom grimaces. How is it that they had ended up working together again? They both remember how it went last time, when they worked on that show. What was it called? Looney something? It didn't matter. All that Tom remembers is that it did NOT go well. They couldn't get along even if they wanted to. And Tom really wasn't willing to get along with him. Sure, they had spent last Friday together at the library, but that didn't mean they were friends. They were just acquaintances. Acquaintances who happened to hate each other. Now Tom was angry. If Jerry was going to be here pestering him, he was going to ruin Tom's chances at making a good impression with the director. He already struggled with his temperament issues on his own, he didn't need Jerry to be feeding the flames.

Old drafts of Tom and Jerry AU (Discontinued)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat