A changed path

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since nobody is going to make this guy kick the bucket I guess I will call himself the king of villains, ha once I get him he won't be called anything but a corpse I'm in the perfect spot now all I need is to aim and wait what he turned around does he see me and are his eyes red? Doesn't matter time to finish the job "I see you up there how about you get down here and face me instead of hiding like a coward" ha no way wait did his arm get longer or am I seeing things, oh no he grabbed me how he was down there how did he reach me from up here, and now I'm on the ground slammed onto the floor he put his shoe on my chest and then reached for a nearby ax "you know what time to teach you a lesson" he then raised the ax and slammed it onto my arm breaking it a bit "NEVER. MESS. WITH. THE. KING" he shouted while chopping my arm off it was on the floor now I can't use it anymore he got off me and I ran maybe I can get it replaced "oh I'm not done yet" he grabbed me again slamming me to the ground then kick me across the room it's obvious he isn't defending himself anymore he wants to make sure I can't fight anymore punching me every single hit breaking me more and more as my sparks flew through the air and my fuel spilled out with every punch until he stopped then picked up my barely functional body he didn't stop at chopping my arm off that wasn't enough for him he held me up by the neck to a nearby window "tell your buddies The King said hi" then threw me out the window, I slammed back first into a car didn't help my current situation at all "oh that gotta hurt I would give that landing a three out of ten" he laughed to himself as he walked away from the broken window. I only have one option now must call the others "this is Robo I need help I found the target but he noticed me and beat me up real bad even chopped off my right arm please show up soon" he's probably gone by now I saw a van "we heard your call oh you weren't joking you look really bad pretty surprised you can still function with all that damage" they picked me up then drove me back to base. But after I got back and they finished repairing me they replaced my arm with this weird arched claw looking thing "it's the only one we have at the moment also we're going to fire you as an assassin you failed your mission and we can't afford disappointments here" what that's outrageous he barely gave me a chance to fight back not even a second I completed my other missions just because I failed once "boss you can't do this to me you said I was one of the best last week besides everyone else you assigned to The King of Villains died at his hands give me a second chance just give me a different target I promise I won't disappoint you" he turned to me with an angry expression "at least they died trying you were beaten and thrown on the ground like a cheap toy now leave and never return" fine I guess I will leave. I searched for him I went back to that building and he wasn't there but I finally found him "oh so your back for round two? Fine I don't mind throwing you to the curb again maybe you can have both your hands look like your right one" of course he has the right to brag about his victory he's a great fighter he didn't even use a weapon except for that ax on my arm "no I'm here to ask you for a job you see I used to be an assassin but they fired me after I lost to you" he looked surprised by that "huh I guess you could work for me I think I can upgrade that arm of yours" I guess that could work

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