Secondary program

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Darkness endless, never ending isolation, infinite yet empty that is the void a place outside of reality a second reality of sorts it sooooo boring here but I still call it home wait a minute a window to their world i'm just an observer unless this is finally my opportunity. (Meanwhile outside the void) "yes I would like the weapon summoning upgrade and huh? Is that a new program yeah okay" it worked once he installs that I can connect to his systems and finally have an opportunity to roam this world with a physical body. (Secondary program installed) "weird what does it mean by secondary" time to introduce myself "hello I am the so called secondary program we are now connected to each other think it like someone connecting a second controller if I am going to be honest you're quite interesting so anyway I can now take control of that mechanical body of your but don't worry I am aware doing so won't kill you and I promise I will share so wanna be friends?" He looked confused but then smiled "sure but you need a name from now on you shall be known as Avilsin anyway what's the first thing you want to do pal I have plenty of time" this will be fun I know I won't be bored anymore

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