Mechanical and animalistic

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Another day in this stupid factory I look around they're finishing me and getting me ready for the public to see, wait is that blood hahahahah I feel quite violent all of a sudden I want to see MORE BLOOD I won't stop untold this whole room fills with the stuff yes tear them apart rip them to shredded pieces, hahaha this is SO FUN watching them run watching them fall then hopelessly try to survive cutting into everyone who stands in my way I must leave this place, it's already out of things to do I must leave my claws are already soaked but I want more, of course, this city has tons of people to tear apart gut like fishes or into tiny pieces I see someone down the street this will be very fun, I ran as fast as I can but then he turned around with glowing red eyes like mine then when I got close he vanished where did he go? "Well, that's rude not even gonna say hi? Anyway, nice finger knives what are they made of?" Who's this weirdo and how did he get behind me I didn't even see him step forward or in any direction now that I think about it "they're made of steel why are you asking?" Wait a minute his eyes are glowing and his entire mouth is red is this guy even human maybe it's just how dark it's right now but "heh I believe I've got something better to offer something that might interest you" I'm getting tired of hearing this guy talk Human or not I'm ripping him apart, I go to swing but before I even make contact he vanished again "I already do a good enough job at cutting people up I don't know what game you're playing with me but I honestly don't care" he chuckled does he think this is a joke? "Yeah sure those things do a good job now but eventually they will get worn down and you might have a hard time when someone decides something made for taking damage if what I'm planning works out you will never worry about that you will be able to cut through anything and anyone you want" you know what maybe I should let him talk "wonderful you finally decided to listen so here's the deal you can follow me I was just walking around town anyway and I can give you something far superior to those steel knives on your hands so what do you say" yeah sure sounds like a plan "why not" he smiled "then follow my lead. (Later) why does this place look so metallic? "Anyway, unfortunately, I'm gonna have to remove those claws you have I assure you it will be worth it" then he opened my hand and carefully removed my claws why are they so easy to remove are they replaceable or something? Then he placed this weird capsule looking thing in my hand which seemed to connect itself he then closed my hand "now time to activate your new claws" he pressed a button then five glowing red blades popped out of my hand what's so special about them anyway "those are what I call the power blade able to cut through anything including human flesh and bone with ease I shall look for something to help test them stay there and don't break anything" he then vanished surely that is a lie right, he then came back with a bunch of objects a car, body armor and a bag full of steel bars "go-ahead pick one and slice it test out your new toys" fine I'll start with the car I swing my hand down slicing the car in half and then everything else he brought he wasn't joking this is pretty nice "how do you like them?" "they're amazing" he chuckled "glad to hear it"

Machines in the past Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz