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Sipping my morning cup of coffee, I stare down at my phone.

Rafe walks into the kitchen yawning and stretching his arms.

"Hey princess! I was thinking since you've been living with me for almost a week and a half, don't you think you should move the rest of your stuff in?"

He kisses my cheek as I hum and fake a smile.

It had been a week since I last saw Kai, I missed his stupid gorgeous face.

"Yea, maybe it'll just be hard to go back there."

Rafe gave me a concerned look. "You never told me what really happened." He said, waiting for me to explain.

"It's....complicated." I say, pursing my lips together.

Rafe lightly smiles and walks over to me and cups my face. "It's ok you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

He gives me a reassuring smile and I smile back. "Thanks babe." He plants a light kiss on my lips.

I turn back to my phone and coffee, sending Kai a text.

"Can I come get the rest of my stuff later today?"

I take a deep breath and place my phone face down on the counter. "You're right I'll go get the rest of my stuff to fully move in."

He flashes his perfect teeth at me and kisses me once more.

My phone buzzes and I break away from the kiss to view the text.

Kai texted saying, "Emmy, can you just come over and talk about everything first? I need my chance to explain."

Rolling my eyes I respond back. "So should I come over at noon?" Kai immediately texts back.

"Yes I'll be waiting."

I get up and head to the bedroom to get dressed and ready for the day.


I pull up into the driveway and sit in the car for a few minutes.

Do I knock or just walk in? I thought to myself. I sigh and get out of the car and knock on the door.

Only waiting a few seconds the door flew open to reveal Kai.

"Emmy, you didn't have to knock, you could have just walked in." I half smile and walk past him.

"Well I just didn't know the circumstances I was walking into, plus I don't live here anymore, Kai."

He frowns and gives me a sad look. "So who have you been staying with for the past week?"

My eyes widen a bit and I avoid eye contact trying to think of a lie.

"I'm staying with Caroline."

Finally making eye contact with him again, I can tell his curiosity is rising.

"I thought her and the rest of your friends and family didn't want to be in contact with you anymore." He said to which I sarcastically respond.

"Oh wow really that's so weird it's almost like you were the reason that they did that. Looks like that didn't work out too well for me now, did it?"

He rolls his eyes. "Emmy please, can you not do that right now. I want you to give me a second chance."

I quickly make up a lie trying not to give into his gray, blue eyes.

"I don't think they would like that very much. I just started listening to them this time and kind of don't want to put relationship over friendship again, since it wasn't even worth it."

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