Chapter6 - Start of the end

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>Azur Island - 3rd POV<

In front of the Island, a Massive Flotilla was seen building up, consist up to 3 Battleships, 4 Battlecruisers , 4 Heavy Cruisers, 6 Light Cruiser, 2 Aircraft Carriers, 9 Destroyers. Their main objective? Rescue the royal Maid spies.

on one of the Light Cruisers, HMS Belfast, was USS Enterprise and Belfast herself, both of them, talking about the events that transpired within a span of the week.

"So, your sister is not joining us?" Bel ask the Ghost, who nodded as she sips on the freshly made tea.

"Yes, she was task to find this Carrier who sank the Crane sisters" Enterprise explain as she puts down the cup "They are heading out at the same time we go and save you're comrades" she then looks at the maid with a smile and ask, "It's nice too have your comrade with you, right?" which the Royal maid Nodded.

"May I ask, who will be Replacing you're sisters role in this mission?" Belfast ask as she pours in another fresh tea from the tea pot.

"It's USS Independence" Enterprise replied as she drinks the tea, "She'll fill the role of bait until we can get your friends out." Enterprise then looks at the Still building fleet.

"Hmmm, I must say thank you for helping the Empery Kensens during the storm," Belfast smiled "I never saw someone as brave as you to head forward into the fire without a care," She then stood and walk over to the Carrier "but I must plead, don't over do it miss Enterprise" she added as her hands land on the shoulders of the ghost.

Enterprise nodded, understanding the maids words, because that was the same pleas she was getting from her sisters and her close friends, too not go over board during and after the missions.

Both of them then hears a loud horn coming from the lead ship, the HMS Repulse. Behind her is the whole Flotilla, ready to sail out.

"It's time," the Maid said as Enterprise stood and walk to the edge "It's been a pleasure to have you here miss Enterprise." The said ship turn to the maid and nodded.

"And that was a nice tea break," She then turn her head to face the fleet, "I hope you can invite me to a tea break after this." she then jump off and sailed to her spot before summoning her ship and form up with the rest of the fleet.

Belfast, who was still cleaning the deck of her ship, smiled before pushing the cart which holds the tea pieces, "I will."

>Azur Island - USS Hornet - 3rd POV<

Meanwhile, on the other side of the Islands entrance was Hornets Fleet, Which Consist of the 4th Coalition Destroyer squad which is HMS Javelin, USS Laffey, USS Benson, HMS Musketeer, and HMS Hardy. 14th Light carrier Group consist of USS Bataan, USS Biloxi, USS Kalk, USS Maury, and USS Hazelwood. Then Hornets Fleet the 3rd Carrier Task Force which consist of, USS Hornet, USS Long Island, USS Helena, USS Northampton, USS Arizona, and USS Hammann.

The Destroyers, mostly the Benson class, where hanging out on the USS Benson, playing games, waiting for the sortie to start. Hornet was on her ship's flight deck edge, also waiting for the sortie to start.

"WHEN ARE WE GOING TO START THIS?!" Shouted the White haired Neko? beside her is Helena listening to her radio for the sortie to start.

"When the Rescue fleet is finished preparations" Replied the Blue haired as she listens for the Transmission to say something, "We have to be patient," she adds as she receives something.

"S&C Operatives, the operation green, we wish you a good luck." it was Sheffield, and she gave them a green light for the Mission task to them, Find and make contact with this Mysterious Carrier.

"Wilco," Helena Answered as she nods to Hornet who nodded back as she switch Channels, "All Kensens! This is USS Helena! We are green! I repeat! we are green! all ships form up!" She then run to the Port side of Hornets Ship before Summoning her ship and went into the formation. 

as the Horns from the ships on both fleets roared, the kensens task to defend the base wave to their comrades, awaiting for they're return.

Still unknown to them though, was a American SR-71 Black bird flying higher then their Air-Radars can detect, spying on the island.

>ESS Davao - 1st POV<

In front of me is a screen showing what the Black Bird is seeing, "They are mobilizing a entire fleet for what?" I Ask too my self as I watch the fleet Move to a certain Direction. I got curios on where they are heading, so I prepared another SR to go follow while the other stays at the Island.

"What are they doing?" a Voice ask from behind me. Turning around I came face too face with the IJN 5th Carrier Division, IJN Shoukaku. She is currently looking at the screen with awe, shock, and finally, Confusion.

"What do you mean?" I ask as I redirected my attention to the screen again.

"Can you see another fleet heading off the other direction?" she ask as I notice a Fleet heading out and on the opposite Direction.

"Hmmm..." the the screen Focus on the Said fleet allowing me to see it more clearer, "Statics on the ships of the fleet currently focused on." I ordered as the other screens lit with Information about the ships.

"USS Hornet..." that name again...

"Looks like they are heading out somewhere..." I hear the crane said as I then look at the other ships information.

"A Search group?" I whispered as I read the list of ships within the said fleet, "That's unusual..."

"That's predictable of them." I hear the Crane say. I turn my head to look at the carrier with confusion, "They want to find you, you did help them in my and Iron blood's surprise attack."

"hmmmm..." I did help them, but.... how would they now it's me? "How can they find us though?" I mean... we are currently 270nuticalmiles away from their Naval base.

"Via plane and Radar, all the ways to find something out here at the open seas." the Crane replied as as she steps up to the monitor, "you are a massive ship, they can easily find you using those methods." she continued still looking at the monitor.

"I'm a Proto-type Carrier, I was made for Massive scale project for us to build a Space fleet." I Explain the reasons for my flaws, as the crane turn her head to face me.

"Then if you are made for Space, why are you stuck on the water?" she Questioned making me remember the day's when the Sirens first attack, Though I was not conscious and have no memory of it, the cameras from the base let me see the Destruction the sirens can do.

"A Story for another time..." I said as I turn towards the door, "if they want to find me, then they have to face my Air-Shields First." with that I walk out of the room, "Until then, I cannot chose side in your war." I whispered sighing.

>To be Continued<

Note - finally, Chapter 6 is Finished! anyways, yes, I want to end this in Chapter 10, but I don't know with the current peace, it might end after that... I don't, I'll try my best to do this.
Thank you all for reading this chapter and this book, it really gave me a place to practice my writing and story telling capability, if you want me to make another azur lane book, don't worry, I already have another one working on.
It won't be like this one, that's all I'm going on say for that.

And for now, Bye!

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