ᖴIᖴTY-ᗴIᘜᕼT | 58

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"I know you better than you know yourself, little brother. You needed that, and you need to stop being a dick to the girl staying with you. She hadn't done a damn thing wrong. She's not Mariah." He said as Elijah pushed him away, glaring.

"I know that idiot! State your business and leave!"

"Angry today." Xerxes laughed. "It's all normal and will pass. Have you been taking the meds that Dad gave to you?" Elijah nodded his head lying, and Xerxes could see right through it.

"You're lying, but I'm not going to make you take them if you don't want to. However, Chance is here, and I was told the test results will be in soon."

"Great, just let the asshole know he will not have my baby girl."

"That won't be a problem. I don't think his wife would like to raise a child that isn't her. Hell, he finally just gave her one, and she acts as if she has three children." Xerxes shrugged, causing Elijah to stare at him.

"So, they both were cheating. How fucking ironic! Still, I never would have thought Chance was married since I saw his wife. Let me guess some young girl that is young enough to his daughter."

"Not that young." Xerxes laughed. "Just let's say she got her baby late in life. It was an arranged marriage, and he hates the woman's guts but knew he had to give her a child. That don't give justice to what he did to you." He spoke. "We meet in an hour. Don't make me come and get you, Eli."

"Sure, Xerxes, I will be there!" Elijah smirked, stealing his blunt, lighting it as Xerxes laughed. "Thief." He spoke.

"There you are

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"There you are. If I didn't know better, I would say you were hiding from me." Ian said, kissing Ella's cheek. She smiled big, turning to him, giving him a hug kissing him on the lips. Ian chuckled before deepening the kiss.

"You act like you didn't see me like two hours ago, but I missed you too."

"Really, the two of you are fucking. Ian, I hope you know what you are doing... please tell me you are not jumping into something because she touched your ass, are you?" Jeremias said, forcing the two apart.

"Mias, I promise you this has shit to do with that. What do you want, Jeremias? I was trying to have a private moment with my girlfriend." Ian smirked, causing Jeremias's eyes to widen, looking from Ella to Ian.

"Yeah, you still dumb as fuck." He laughed. "I didn't want a damn thing. If this is true, treat her right... and keep her safe. Ella don't think I haven't seen how that Shino guy watches you. I don't trust that man. He thinks he's safe, but the why Tanaka watches him. He is going to end up dead real soon." Jeremias said.

"That's his problem. All I want is for him to stay away from my girl. I thought the four Dons had a meeting with the Nigerian Don?" He said, making Jeremias nod. He was waiting for Xerxes to text.

"Yeah, hopeful soon. I just saw you two in here all cozy up and decided to cramp your game." He smirked. "No, forreal. Ian, if this is real for you, stick to it. The two of you make a good couple, and you seem normal with her." Jeremias nodded, causing Ian to do the same.

Rise of the Oni (Book 8 of the Köhler Series)Where stories live. Discover now