Duke Nuke Them

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Today is Saturday.

Saturday evening as Y/n was at home now after a long day to himself. He woke up, checked his status on his socials, expressed his thoughts a bit to show that he was okay, talked to his editor if he had a new video to be posted, and then he went to workout.

All of these lead to him back home, eating his dinner as his post workout as he had a high protein meal in front of him with a glass of cider to drown the thirst out.

It seems like a typical evening, what he usually does on his free days as he takes a bite at his delicious food before taking a sip at his cider.

He smacks his lips in delight and smiled brightly.


Y/n: ...Wait a minute...

Y/n furrowed his eyebrows as he stared at the glass of cider next to him.

Y/n: This doesn't taste like cider...

He gets up from his seat to find the bottle of cider on his kitchen counter.

Y/n: ...Oh shit...

Turns out, it wasn't cider at all.


It was wine.


Y/n: ...Ah, who gives a shit? It's not like I can get drunk from one glass, right?


Currently, Nyanners was playing Animal Crossing.

Peaceful, her stream wasn't anything to intense.

Just a lovely evening of playing a slow and quiet game as she was fishing for some fish.

Nyanners was talking to her audience as she answered a few questions and cracked some jokes. It seemed like a lonely night for Nyanners.

Nyanners: It doesn't matter... Most times it's just me playing or watching videos... I'd invite Veibae or Ironmouse but they're both busy...


She's not going to lie to herself anymore.

Nyanners: ...I just want some company tonight...


Suddenly, her discord channel had a visitor.

Nyanners: Huh? Who the... Noodle?!

That was Y/n who had a slight slur in his speech but his voice was different.

Y/n: *Duke Nukem's Voice* What's up? It's me, the guy from the Duke game, here to read some Duke quotes...

Nyanners: ... *Scoffs in Disbelief*

Nyanners couldn't believe it.

It was as if her wish came true.

She has been alone to herself after Y/n made his small debut between her two friends as she always hated playing alone. But guess who's here?

Y/n: It's time to kick gum and chew ass... And I'm all out of ass...

Nyanners: Wuh- Noodle!

Y/n: I am Duke Nukum...

Nyanners: What are you-

Y/n: Time to squeeze my own balls...

Nyanners: What?!

At this rate, Nyanners didn't know what was going on nor did she care. Y/n's sudden cameo into her stream was enough to get her happy as she didn't even notice that his camera was on.

Nyanners: Noodle! How did you...

Finally, she did.

Y/n: How do all of those clowns fit into that little car?

The straw that broke the camel's back as Nyanners burst out laughing at what was presenting inside Y/n's camera.

Y/n: I'm not memorizing the multiplication table! I have a calculator and my ass is fat!

Y/n was in his cosplay.

Duke Nukem's cosplay as he had the hair, the sunglasses, the tank top, everything. Nyanners was having the time of her life, laughing her butt off as the h/c continued to read some more quotes from the internet.

Y/n: So no head?

Y/n: I'm Duke Nuke Them...

Y/n: Time to drive under the influence!

Nyanners: No! Don't drive under the influence, Duke! *Laughs Harder*

Y/n continues to read more quotes from the internet as Nyanners continued on with laughing at Y/n's precise imitation of Duke Nukem.

Nyanners: *Laughs* Noodle! Why are you-

Y/n: My name isn't Noodle! It's Nuke Dukem and I'm getting evicted!

Nyanners: *Laughs Again*

Y/n: Yo! I'm tired of always hearing you N U T T E D without me! What's good, bro?

Y/n: Time to squeeze my own balls

Nyanners: Noodle, please stop!

Y/n: I'm gonna suck my own dick!

Nyanners: *Starts to Cry Laugh*

She was a total mess.

Nyanners was too focused on Y/n now that she had totally forgot that she was streaming for a minute. Not to mention, playing a game as she continued to laugh, cry, and punch her table.

Y/n: These alien bastards circumcised me!

Y/n: I'm the guy from video games...

Y/n: I had a dream about kissing Master Halo- *Wheeze Laughed*

It just kept going.

It went on and on.

Nyanners: *Laughing* Noodle, stop already!

Y/n: Yes, there are only two sexes... The one I have with your mom... and the one I have with your dad...


It took some time, half an hour to be precise until Nyanners had finally calmed down and Y/n ran out of quotes to read from the internet.

And after Y/n finally ended his Duke Nukem segment, Nyanners ended her stream. She closed out her streaming website and went into discord where she sees a tired Y/n trying to keep his head up.

She starts to smile softly.

Nyanners: ...Thank you for keeping me company tonight, Noodle...

Y/n: *Groans Softly* To be honest, I think I'm a little drunk... I can't even see five feet in front of me...

Nyanners: Still... Thank you for entertaining me with some Duke Nukem quotes...

Y/n: ...Who's Duke?

Nyanners: Huh?

Y/n: I really don't even know what's going on... I feel so tired...

Nyanners: Well, I'll let you sleep for tonight then... Once again-


She hears the desk from Y/n's side gets smacked.

From the camera she watched, Y/n was out. Passed out and probably will be in the next few hours as his small snores was all that could be heard from him.

Nyanners continued to smile to the knocked out Y/n.

Nyanners: ...Thank you, Y/n... I hope we can stream together again in the future...

Y/n: *Duke Nukem's Voice* I'm gonna Google porno... *Snores*

Nyanners: PFFFFTTT!

Nyanners x Veibae x Ironmouse x Male ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant