Chapter 1

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Your at Tommy's house streaming and somebody donates something saying "Jump in the Cadillac"
Tommy starts screaming "NO NO STOP"
"I'd jump in the Cadillac with you" I said jokingly
"Oh shove off woman," he replied as he turned away
That was all last night it was funny
~12am the following night~
"YEAH BOYS LETS GO!" I heard a loud obnoxious British accent scream out.It was currently 12am, at night! My 17year old neighbour was currently screaming into his microphone at midnight. I had a test the following day so I sent him a message saying
"Your royal highness mr Tommyinnit, your neighbours are trying to sleep. Please for the love of god LOWER YOUR VOLUME!" Then I went back to sleep after that
~The following day~
I had a short day today, I just need to go to the school and get the test done and then go home and chillax. It shouldn't be a problem seeing as though I was the part of the 10 students in our area. I got changed had breakfast and went to the park and waited "Y/N?" A familiar voice said
I looked up "Oh hi tommy!"
Tom was standing there in his uniform smiling at me "Excited for sculpting today?"
"For sure! I'm happy we're partners" I excitedly said. We got up and walked to school we got to the school gates
One of the annoying kids from one of our classes came up to us and said "Ooo Thomas Simons and Y/N gold ARE GONNE SNOG"
Tom got a bit flustered Tom Quietly said "Shove off man" then Tom turned to me and saw me all red "Uhh Y/N y-you good?" I shook myself "Yup I'm all fine" then I took a deep breath after we went into sculpture class the teacher said very loudly "GOOD MORNING EVERYBODY TODAY WE WILL BE SCULPTING OUR PARTNER! GET STARTED"
I looked at tommy "So who's sculpting who?" Tommy said "I'll sculpt you" I stood very still it was a double period
~1 hour later~
Tommy said excitedly "TA-DA!"
Everybody in the class looked at us and we're very shocked I said very surprised "OMG tommy! It looks....AMAZING!"
One of Tommy's friends shouted "WOW TOMMY U DID UR CRU-" tommy covered his mouth before he finished it
That was the last day of high school then me and Tommy wanted to move to Brighton
~after school~
~I was at Tommy's house~
"So Tommy what are we gonna do?" I excitedly said, "Wanna call some of my good friends?" He said then spun his chair facing to me
I said excitedly "YAS!" I sit down on his lap and he was calling his friends on discord
Tubbo has joined the call
Wilbursoot has joined the call
Georgenotfound has joined the call
Jack manifold has joined the call
Tubbo looked at us and went "Uhh tommy who's that on your la-" tommy said "Uhh my..girlfriend"
Wilbur looked shocked and said "Hello Tommy's girlfriend what's your name?"
I giggled and said "Hello I'm Y/N!"
George said "do you have to call this chat all the time?"
Tommy sighed and went "ITS POGGERS!"
I got a fright Wilbur saw my face and went "you scared the poor girl"
I laughed and said "what's your name?"
Wilbur said "I'm William! William GOLD"
I was shocked and said "wow! I have the same last name weird that" Wilbur look at his PC and went "Do you have discord?" I smiled and said "Yup!" Tommy interrupted "RIGHT WE BETTER GET GOING!"
I said "I'll add you later Wilbur!"
~The call has ended~

Tommyinnit and Y/N love storyWhere stories live. Discover now