「 Are You Sure About This? Absolutely. {Townsend x AFAB Reader} 」PT. 2

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Y/N ; Your Name

Y/L/N ; Your Last Name

Y/F/C ; Your Favourite Colour

Y/F/F ; Your Favourite Food

[text] ; Translations will be placed here

'Text' ; Thoughts

'''Text''' ; Letters / etc

{Text} ; Switching P.O.V's

"Text" ; Talking

— Text — ; Author's note / etc

«text» ; Word Count



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Townsend nods, giving a small hum and a sigh, writing your name in the book, handing Abe the keys as he and you began heading upstairs, you sigh gently, sitting down on the bed, fumbling with the sleeves of your dress. "Y/N? Are you okay? You seem a bit out of it today." Abe frowns, sitting beside you, rubbing your shoulder gently in a comforting motion, you nod. "I'm okay, just a bit worried is all, mostly about the war, the spying business, what if you end up getting caught? What then..?" You would ask, giving a frown and looking down at the ground, sighing softly. "Y/N, I'll be fine, don't worry about me, you have nothing to worry about." He reassured you, smiling and standing up "I have a few things to do, I'll be back, go be social, talk to Mr. Townsend. I'm sure he wouldn't mind the company." He smiles, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him as he left.

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You smile gently to yourself, sighing and straightening out your dress, "Maybe Abe is right.. I'll go talk to him..!" You mutter softly, taking a deep breath and walking downstairs, you smile at the sight of Robert cleaning and putting away cups and checking people in. You had to admit, Mr. Townsend was rather cute, but you only knew him for a very short time. So you decided, why not get to know him?

You smile, sitting at the desk and looking up at Robert "Hello Mr. Townsend. How are you today?" You cringe at those words, you were never very good at being social. "Hm? Oh. Good evening Ms. Woodhull" He glanced over towards you, giving a gentle nod. "How is your evening?" You would ask, leaning on the counter, holding your head up with your elbows propping you up on the counter, your cheeks rested on  your hands. "it's probably one of the quietest thank you. Yours?" You smile "Quite alright now that I'm talking to you." You cringe again at your own words, yikes, this wasn't going exactly how you wanted. He raised a brow before giving a gentle chuckle. "Flirting now are we?" He smiled gently towards you, that smile instantly made your heart melt. You gave a gentle laugh. "I suppose." He smiles and goes back to his tasks.

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You've been staying in the Boarding house for a while now, at least 2 months. You weren't planning on staying here for that long, but you did anyways. Robert had your heart. You and him became very good friends, you wanted to confess to him sometime soon. Before it's to late.

You sigh, flattening your dress and taking a sharp breath, walking downstairs, giving Robert a gentle smile "Evening Robert." You'd smile, Robert raising a brow and standing up from the back, smiling towards you "Hello Y/N. How are you this fine evening?" You gave a loving and caring smile. "I'm quite alright Robert. May.. May I speak with you in private?" He gave a confused look, but regardless he nodded, walking into the back of the tavern with you "What is it Y/N?" You take a sharp breath and after a few moments of awkward silence you finally speak up. "Robert. These few months have been amazing. I'm really glad we were able to become great friends. But I feel as if something is missing." He lifted a brow. "And that is?" You smile "Robert. I've gained feelings for you. You hold a place in my heart I never thought anyone would have. I wanted to ask you, if you'd be willing to court me?" His eyebrows raised, his eyes widened, he looked shocked, a look of worry appeared on your face as he thought for a while. "Y/N, you know about the spying business.. I'm not sure if it'd be such a good idea.." You cup his cheek. "Robert. I love you okay? Nothing bad will happen." He gave a gentle, unsure smile. "Are you sure about this?" You nod. "Absolutely." You reply. He smiles, kissing you gently.

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— Yooooo, happy ending? Yea! Sorry if it's a bit cheesy! I'm not the best at writing! But regardless! I hope you enjoyed reading this! I know I enjoyed writing it! headcanons comin' soon my beautiful ducklings! —

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