「 Are You Sure About This? Absolutely. {Townsend x AFAB Reader} 」

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└➤ — So, I know I said I will work on the rest of the headcanons, but I just couldn't help myself, I love this man all to much, and considering I'm not in the best mood at the moment, and feeling a bit down, this will most likely contain some angst, but end up with a happy ending unless I decide against it, this story is still under a bit of editing as it's a W.I.P, but regardless, I hope you enjoy the one-shot! Also, the third person povs might be a bit odd as I'm not used to writing Fanfiction in third person! So bare with me here! — ╰╮࿓

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Y/N ; Your Name

Y/L/N ; Your Last Name

Y/F/C ; Your Favourite Colour

Y/F/F ; Your Favourite Food

[text] ; Translations will be placed here

'Text' ; Thoughts

'''Text''' ; Letters / etc

{Text} ; Switching P.O.V's

"Text" ; Talking

— Text — ; Author's note / etc

«text» ; Word Count



Y/N L/N, a beautiful yet strong woman, a spy for Washington, and last but not least, Woodhull's sister.

Y/N was walking down the streets of York, it was her first time being here, she insisted she must come with Abraham to York, he insisted that she should stay put in Setauket, as it's safer there according to her brother Abe, it was for 'her safety' but after a while of arguing, she had managed to convince her brother it  will be alright.


You sigh as you walk with your brother into the boarding house, it was owned by a man who goes by the name of 'Robert Townsend', you watched as your brother and Mr. Townsend spoke to one another, sighing softly to yourself as you glance around the room, looking around at all the soldiers in the boarding house, a few men looking you up and down, it made you feel a bit uncomfortable, but regardless you didn't do anything about it.

 It wasn't your place, or how a lady should behave, at least that's what your father says "Y/N?" Abe questioned towards you, waving his hand in front of your face, causing you to snap out of your trance, you look up at him, giving a slightly confused look "Hm?" You tilt your head.

 "Townsend was asking you something, but you seemed to be zoning out, you alright?" He would ask, placing a hand on your shoulder, you quickly nod, giving a reassuring smile "I'm fine Abe" you sigh "What was the question Mr. Townsend?" You'd inquire, looking up at Mr. Townsend with yet again another confused look. "I was just asking you what your name was Ma'am." He hummed in response, looking up from the book on his table, it was a book of people whom were staying in the Boarding house. "Oh! My name is Y/N, Y/N L/N!" You quip happily, giving him a warm smile, you were always usually very cheerful.

Townsend nods, giving a small hum and a sigh, writing your name in the book, handing Abe the keys as he and you began heading upstairs, you sigh gently, sitting down on the bed, fumbling with the sleeves of your dress. "Y/N? Are you okay? You seem a bit out of it today." Abe frowns, sitting beside you, rubbing your shoulder gently in a comforting motion, you nod. "I'm okay, just a bit worried is all, mostly about the war, the spying business, what if you end up getting caught? What then..?" You would ask, giving a frown and looking down at the ground, sighing softly. "Y/N, I'll be fine, don't worry about me, you have nothing to worry about." He reassured you, smiling and standing up "I have a few things to do, I'll be back, go be social, talk to Mr. Townsend. I'm sure he wouldn't mind the company." He smiles, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him as he left.

To be Continued


˚◞♡ ; The great book of random one-shots , headcanons , and scenarios ! ❞Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ