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"He seems like a total creep," Vi utters. "That's because he is." Caitlyn agrees. "He constantly tries flirting with me and asking me out on dates, no matter how many times I shut him down he can't seem to take no for an answer" She complains. "Maybe we can help you out somehow," Mylo suggests. "There's nothing you can do, no matter what I do he still doesn't seem to give up, maybe I should just go on the date with him," Caitlyn says feeling defeated. "There's no way you're doing that." Vi butts in. "Then what exactly can I do?" She asks. 

"I don't know, did you try reporting him for harassment?" Vi asks. "I tried that as well and they give me the same 'boys will be boys' saying." Caitlyn crosses her arms. "Well then I can always try kicking his ass for you, then he'll definitely get the message," Vi says punching her palm. "Vi...he is twice your size," Mylo says. "And? I'm up for a challenge. Plus if I beat his ass, I'll be even stronger than I thought, and I'll have helped." Vi says punching the air. "Vi, this really isn't necessary. You could get kicked out of school or even arrested. What about Powder? Do you really want for her to see you, her big sister behind bars?" Caitlyn says not wanting Vi to do anything to land her in jail or worse. "Fine fine, but we'll figure something out." Vi huffed in annoyance.  "Thank you" Caitlyn sighed in relief. 

"Well, I'm gonna go bother Dad, see you guys later," Mylo says before walking away, leaving the two girls by themselves. " and Mylo really dating?" Vi asks as they walked down the hall. "No! Oh heavens no. He seems like a really nice boy but he's not my type." Caitlyn exclaimed in disgust. "Calm down I was kidding." Vi chuckled. "So if I was? What would you care?" Caitlyn asked with an amused smile. "I wouldn't care!" Vi sorta lies as if she wouldn't be slightly jealous if Caitlyn did have a thing for her brother. "If you say so." The blue-haired girl laughed slightly. 

"Can we talk about something else?" Vi says putting her hands in her pocket. "Well, I talked to my friend and he agreed to see Powder," Caitlyn informed. "She hasn't stopped talking about you y'know. It's weird since she's never done that with the others" Vi says thinking about her little sister. "I guess I just have that special effect on people." Caitlyn jokes. "But in all seriousness, you have an intriguing sister. I hope I'll be able to see her more." Vi smiled a bit. "Well, she'll be more than happy to see you. She's been talking about wanting to learn how to shoot after she saw you at the shooting range" 

"That can certainly be arranged if you'd allow it" Caitlyn smiled. Vi cringed slightly at the thought of Powder handling a gun". Maybe...I still don't know you that well, Cupcake" Vi says, making Caitlyn raise an eyebrow when she heard the name. "It's Caitlyn" She corrected. "That's what I said, Cupcake," Vi says. "Cupcake? Where does one even get that nickname from?" Caitlyn gives a joyful laugh. "Because you seem sweet... like a Cupcake," Vi says smiling slightly. 

"Stop calling me that, now cmon, don't you have to go home?" Caitlyn crosses her arms. "I should be asking you that Cupcake" Vi laughed a bit. "Unfortunately, I do. But I'll be seeing you tomorrow. Have a fantastic evening, Vi." Caitlyn was about to walk away but she turned back around and pulled Vi into a hug. "Be careful out there" She says resting her head on Vi's shoulder. She was a bit surprised but hugged her back a few moments later. "You as well," Vi responds with a soft smile.  After a few moments, Caitlyn pulls away. "I'll see you tomorrow Vi." She says before walking away.

 As Vi watched her walk away Mylo comes out of nowhere. "You like her don't you?" He says with a smirk. "Come on let's go home," Vi says avoiding the question. "I think you did, I'm telling Powder, Qiyana, and Dad about this!" He teased. "I swear if you say anything I'm killing you!" Vi whispered shouted. "Say anything about what?" Qiyana says wrapping her arms around the two. "Vi has a thing for Caitlyn" Mylo blurted out.

"Dude! No, I don't!" An amused look formed on Qiyana's face. "Caitlyn, huh? Well, she was asking about you." Vi looks up at the girl, curious to know more. "What'd she say?" She shrugs. "Something about wanting to know more about you and she found you interesting or something along the lines of that. This was yesterday I believe." Qiyana says. Mylo gives a small smirk, "Oooo, are you two crushing on each other?" Vi gives a roll of her eyes, "I barely even know her, jeez, relax Mylo." Her brother scoffed. "Yet you can full-on embrace her but you still can't give me at least a high five"

"I hugged her because I felt bad. You want a high five? I'll give you one across your face, how's that sound?" Vi threatened. "When was the last time you hugged somebody that wasn't your sister?" Qiyana asks with her arms crossed. Vi tried to think but couldn't recall the last time. "As I said, I felt bad. Would you guys cool it?" She says annoyed. "Oh, she's got it bad," Mylo whispered to Qiyana which got a smack in the head from Vi. "Ow!" He yelped. "I heard that!" Vi shouted. 

"Can we just go home, already? C'mon, Mylo. Qiyana, I'll see you tomorrow, have a nice rest of the day." She says as they got to the school's entrance. "Have a nice day? Cait really must be rubbing off on you" Qiyana chuckled before walking away. "Ughhhh." Vi groans as she rolls her eyes. Vi and Mylo head home, quickly greeted by Powder. "Did you see the blue-haired girl again?" She asked. "She saw her alright" Mylo laughed. "Mylo, shut your mouth. Powder, yes, I did see her." Vi glares at their brother. 

"What does he mean by that?" Powder asks. "Noth-" Vi gets cut off by Mylo. "Vi fell for a topsider"He smirked before sitting on the couch. "Is that all you're capable of saying? You just assume things without actually knowing the context, just shut up for once in your life." Vander enters the room, curious as to what's going on. "Woah, Woah, what's going on, why are you two fighting?" Vi responds quickly after, "No one's fighting, Dad." Vi responded. 

"I just find it very suspicious that you have gotten very close even though you hated her guts yesterday," Mylo points out. "I didn't hate her guts, I just didn't have a chance to know her that well." She explains. "Didn't you two have a class together?" He asks. "Your point?" Vi questions throwing her backpack to the side. "You had plenty of time to get to know her then" Mylo clarifies. "We haven't talked during those times, we only really started since like, today. Why don't you mind your business, huh?"

"Whatever you say, Vi," Mylo says sarcastically before sitting down. "Who are you two yabberin' about?" Vander asks. "VI's special friend," Mylo says using air quotes with friend. "A new friend, huh? Tell me about them." Vander says grabbing a chair. "Uh, well she's a topsider, she has long blue hair. She's really smart, she's very beau- brilliant! She's very brilliant!" Vi says hoping nobody caught her slip up. "She's beau- brilliant!" Mylo mocks with a loud laugh. "Shut up!" Vi shouted. 

"Is she like your girlfriend or something?" Powder questions. "No, why does everyone just keep assuming things?" Vi groans.  "Because every time you talk about her your face turns red" Mylo chuckles. "No, it doesn't! Stop lying! And even if it did, it would be because you guys are embarrassing me!" She shouted. "Your face was just red 20 seconds ago" Powder pointed out. "Oh my God, no it wasn't, right Vander?" Vi looms over at Vander, only to see him trying not to laugh. "You have gone pretty red kid." Vi rolled her eyes.

"Okay I do not feel like hearing this," She says before walking out. "You don't wanna hear it because you know it's true!" Mylo shouted after her. "Fuck off!" Vi shouted from upstairs. "Watch your language, Violet!" Vander shouts after the girl.

 "Sorry, dad.." She shouted back

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