Chapter 18

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All three of them were embarrassed. That much was for certain. Neither did any of them know how to initiate contact, verbal or otherwise. It was a cozy room with the low light and a medium sized bed shoved in the corner, of which, all three were currently sitting on the edge of. The tension in the air could have been cut with a knife.

They were all back from the announcement to the village about the specifics of the new treaty. There was a bit more unrest in hidden stone than the other two villages they'd gone to, but that was to be expected. The populace was already starting to feel some of the good effects of it, like significantly reduced trade barriers or no-conflict agreements. But at the top of the kage tower, where it had been announced, there stood three of the members with an unspoken sense of tension with them. And now, at night, back at Kurotsuchi's house, in Naruto's assigned room, the three of them sat.

"So uhm…" Naruto started off unsurely, "how do we start this?"

Naruto was in the middle, between Temari and Fu. Temari peered to the side of him at Fu and said "Do you, uh, want to go first or…"

Fu shook her head, a great, huge, nervous smile spreading over her face. She couldn't meet the other girl's eyes. When she first proposed this scenario she didn't think that the way it was playing out was the way it would play out. Namely, just how uncomfortable she was. This wasn't the air she was hoping for. Then again, what was she hoping for? "I'll just watch you guys for a little bit. Is that okay?"

Naruto and Temari looked at each other. Naruto shrugged. Temari accepted that by nodding her head down. "Okay, well, just… hop in whenever you feel comfortable."

Fu gave a slight nod and sat at the foot of the bed, cross-legged.

Naruto reached forward and grabbed Temari's hand in his own. Her fingers and palm were soft and long. She had a strong grip, but she was gentle almost in her entirety. He leaned down and kissed her softly, bringing up his other hand to the back of her head to pull her in. They closed their eyes and got lost in each other. Their tongues darted out and started playing with one another. Suckling and tonguing each other's lips and mouth almost until they were sore.

One of Naruto's hands reached up and grabbed one of her breasts, causing her to gasp from the suddenness. She smiled and looped an arm around his lower back so she could pull him closer. It couldn't have been more than three or four minutes and Fu wasn't sure if they were aware she was even there anymore.

He reached down with both hands and grabbed her ass with his palms, lifting her up and onto his lap so that he could hug her to his body while wrestling with her tongue. She grabbed his back and head while his arms writhed up and down her body, grabbing and holding any part of her that he could.

He reached to the back of her neck and grabbed the zipper of her black dress, pulling into down to just above her ass crack. She leaned back momentarily to remove her arms from the dress and got right back in, shimmying her way out of it as much as she could until she had to stand up and let the rest of it fall to the ground. She stood there, bare to the world, with Naruto and (to the side) Fu drinking in her body's curves and dips. Naruto stood up and started unbuttoning his shirt as quickly as he could. His eyes were hazed. There was one thing and one thing only on his mind. He wanted to fuck this person until she couldn't think anymore.

She walked forward and pushed him onto the bed with one hand just as he got out of his shirt. He was sitting down as she unbuckled his pants and pulled them down in one motion, freeing his wanting cock.

"Oh, fuck," Fu whispered, leaning over to peer as his dick. Both of them started slightly at hearing her voice, making it obvious that they had forgotten about her, if slightly. Fu straightened her back out and blushed a little bit. "I mean, it's huge, isn't it?"

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