Unexpected saviour 2

Start from the beginning

The shikigami, divine black dog appeared in this dark place which has become more powerful now.

"Cut these threads on both of us."

The divine dog showed his long sharp claws and started to cut the threads of Megumi. The threads are strong, so it took some time but at the end was able to cut enough for Megumi to come out. Next the divine dog and Megumi went to help Yuuji.

The divine dog is cutting the threads when Megumi saw a three pairs of red eyes glowing from the dark corner.

"You can't leave from here without my permission. Khekekhe...."

'W.. what...?!! It can talk.....?!!'

Meanwhile Yuuji came out of the threads,

"It's definitely not only ANY grade curse but a special grade curse."

Megumi knew it is a special grade curse but thing he is seeing now is much more shocking.

The curse is now out of that dark corner, it's dark black spider with six glowing red eyes. It is twice as large of the other black spiders above their head and has eight legs, it also has a red small tail at the end unlike other spiders above. It's giving off the vibe of the leader of these spiders and a strong curse.

"Yuuji, we are already too deep in this matter but we can't go any deeper, we must not fight this curse."

Megumi said as low as possible so that only Yuuji can hear him.

"Hmm... You are right, but how can we reach up there and then go down. They are large in numbers too"

"Yuuji I'll summon the rabbits¹* to distract them and then will summon Nue to escape from here and will summon the divine dog if they attack us while escaping, okay??"

"Okay.... But will you be able to summon three of the shikigamis at once."

"It will be a little hard but it's a dire situation so I have to do it."

"Okay, I'm ready."

"Okay, I'm summoning...... Rabbits, Nue and..... the divine dog."

These three shikigamis appeared one after one. Megumi is breathing heavily, it is hard to summon three of the shikigamis at once but now otherwise they will die.

"Hurry.... Yuuji.... Get on top of..... Nue....."

Megumi can't even speak, he is giving his all.

A flood of rabbits came out of nowhere and blocked the view of the spiders so that they can escape easily. Yuuji and Megumi get on top of Nue and then flew towards the door. The divine dog is killing all the spiders on their way.

The other spiders are not that strong therefore it is easy for the divine dog to kill them but same goes for the rabbits and the special grade curse. They need to hurry before that big spider catch up with them. Nue is flying towards the elevator door avoiding the spiders and their webs, suddenly when.....

"Where are you going, did you take my permission?"

Megumi is shocked, 'How can it come here from that corner before us between all of these ruckus.'

Megumi is searching for the divine dog who is fighting with the other spiders. The number of these spiders is really a disadvantage for them.

'What to do...?? WHAT TO DO...??!!!'

'"Fushiguro, I'll distract this spider and you go for the gate."

"What are you saying?? Impossible, I'm not leaving you alone."

"Who told you about leaving me alone, I'll just distract it and you will reach to the door and then I'll follow you , I'll jump on Nue's back and will get out of here as soon as possible."


"No but!! You are not in a condition of fight so sit back."

Yuuji jumped off from Nue's back on a near by spider web,

"Hey spider...!! Let's see if we'll be able to get out of here without your permission or not. Hehh..."

Spider stepped forward to attack Yuuji and Yuuji jumped back to avoid it. Yuuji gave a light nod to Megumi, indicating him to follow the plan.

'I'll wait in front of the door, I'll definitely not leave without Itadori.'

Nue flew towards the door on the other hand,

The spider is attacking Yuuji nonstop and Yuuji is keep avoiding those attacks. Yuuji has no weapon by which he can attack.

Suddenly the divine dog came from left to attack the curse but the other spider came between them. Yuuji took this chance when the curse was distracted. The curse energy is coming out his hand, he made a fist and threw a strong punch on one of the curse's eyes.


The curse made a weird noise and took some steps back due to the impact of the punch, in between that Yuuji ran towards where Megumi is waiting with Nue.

Seeing Yuuji running towards them, Megumi said with a glad but hurried tone-

"Nue, when Yuuji will jump on, you have to fly as soon as pos...."


Megumi is interrupted but the sound of a sudden groan, he looked toward from where the sound came. Yuuji is groaning and on his knees, and then he fall on the spider web.


Megumi jumped off from Nue, "Are you oka....."

Megumi didn't get to complete what he is saying when he saw the curse appearing from behind Yuuji.

"What did you think, is my red tail for decoration, khekekhe.......

My tail has paralysing poison, one is out, next is you."

Megumi took back his Nue and rabbit shikigami and only the divine dog is there. Megumi is already tired after summoning three shikigami at once but now is not the time to think about this,  he have to give his all to save Yuuji. Other spiders went back leaving them alone to fight,


The spider made a weird noise then run towards Megumi to attack and on the other side the divine dog jumped to attack the curse.


Side note: ¹* Rabbit is Megumi's one of the ten shikigamis which will appear in future arc, so it's kind of a spoiler for some people. Therefore I'm sorry for the spoiler 😅😅

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